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Special Treatment

Christian Alexander


1990’s Chicago was not Thatcher’s Britain of the 1980’s. The music of The Specials, while of a specific context, still contained elements which would resonate quite loudly across the sea of time and space, and allowed ...


American decline? Imperial reckoning. 40 years of Combat Rock by The Clash

Christian Alexander


Interrupting all programs, but we’re putting out this transmission…a review of the 40th anniversary reissue of The Clash’s Combat Rock. August 21st is Joe Strummer’s birthday. He would have been seventy years old.  He died twenty years ago. ...


Remembering Bobby Sands on the 40th Anniversary of His Death

Christian Alexander


May 5th marked 40 years since Bobby Sands (Roibeárd Ó Seachnasaigh) was murdered by the British State. Sands was a Volunteer within the Provisional IRA and once he was imprisoned became the officer commanding for the ...

Myanmar Micks

Christian Alexander


Let’s put this upfront and made clear, the Myanmar military junta is a murderous regime. It has seized control of the entire political apparatus, rounded up opposition politicians, and launched a war against everyday people around ...


Dispatches from our new Angry Red Planet

Christian Alexander


First, I’m thinking of all my friends and comrades out here on the West Coast – with all the fires everywhere. I’m hoping folks can stay safe, whether it’s just trying to get by, or being part ...