Category Archive for:

US History

Property: Is it Theft? Is it Freedom or Is it Both? Merry Christmas!

Jonah Raskin


Not long after Thanksgiving this year, I went to San Francisco’s Japantown (“Jtown” to locals). Surrounded by commodities for sale and in a high rent district I was reminded of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s famous remark, “La propriété, ...

From the Vault

Hard Crackers Editors


The Hard Crackers project is just over five years old.  During that time, we have published almost a hundred articles in nine issues of our print journal and posted more than 350 articles on our web ...

Plunder, Passage, Prison: Three Border Stories

Darien Acero


Plunder “No nos toca;” basically, “it’s not our problem.” That’s what the municipal police officer told community members of Cruztón after paramilitaries ambushed a group of land defenders and assassinated Rodrigo Guadalupe Huét Gómez, a father, ...

Fanon, Floyd, and Me



It is one thing to hold a sign that says “abolish the police;” it is another to burn the 3rd Precinct down. As a non-Black arrivant Muslim, I was inserted into a field of politics I ...

Embalming the Haymarket Martyrs

David Campbell


Chicago in the 1880s was a deadly place. In an era before modern medicine or sanitation, the large immigrant populations sustained themselves by working the most dangerous jobs. Workplace accidents were exceedingly common, and death at ...


Shoot Out at the Fantasy Factory – Two Short Essays

Mike Morgan and John Garvey


More Confusion – No Wonder! By Mike Morgan If there was a board game in which the winner would reveal the official historic and current U.S. position towards most of the Far East peoples and their ...


“The Trial of the Chicago Seven”: A Review

David Ranney


There have been a number of reviews written about Aaron Sorkin’s film The Trial of the Chicago Seven (available on Netflix). The film is a fictional account of the trial of leaders of the anti Vietnam ...

Response To John Brown and The Good Lord Bird

Tom Bura


Note from the Editors:  A few weeks ago, we ran an interview with Marty Brown, a descendant of one of John Brown’s children. We had come across Marty via a letter that she wrote to the ...

John Brown—“one of the most clear-sighted and courageous patriots our nation has ever produced”

Hard Crackers Editors


An Interview with Marty Brown Marty Brown is a descendant of Jason Brown, one of John Brown’s children.  She lives in Portland, Oregon.  We contacted her after we read a letter that she had written to ...

What Does Religion Have to Do with It?

John Garvey


My question is prompted by the nomination and likely approval of Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court and the reactions to that.  She is, without question, a conservative.  Some ascribe that conservatism to her deeply ...
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