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A History of Capitalism in Palo Alto: An Interview With Malcolm Harris

Wendy Liu


Wendy Liu is the author of Abolish Silicon Valley: How to Liberate Technology from Capitalism. She lives in San Francisco and is working on a novel. The following is an interview with Malcolm Harris, author of ...


No Standing

Tim Bruno


Put aside justice, stability and security, the little creature comforts that we all deserve, or finally paying your bills without a knot twisting in your stomach—then maybe the greatest pleasure in landing a living wage job ...

One Foot in the Present, Another in the Future: Food Coops

Jonah Raskin


The San Francisco Bay Area loves cooperatives, aka coops, which were invented in 1844 when the Rochdale Pioneers in Lancashire, England banded together to help themselves and their community. It was an auspicious beginning. 1844 was ...


Property: Is it Theft? Is it Freedom or Is it Both? Merry Christmas!

Jonah Raskin


Not long after Thanksgiving this year, I went to San Francisco’s Japantown (“Jtown” to locals). Surrounded by commodities for sale and in a high rent district I was reminded of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s famous remark, “La propriété, ...

All God’s Chillun Got Shoes

Bernard Farber


“If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere.” ...

More from the Vault: Where Dreams Go To Die



The following piece appeared in issue #8 of Hard Crackers, which can be purchased here.  I get to work late and hung over. I rush past the reference desk, past the remaining display of Black History ...

Banksters: A Story of Debits and Credits

Jonah Raskin


During the “Great Recession,” which was brought on by the banksters themselves who usually take the money and run, I wrote an article titled “Burn Down the Banks?” It was prompted by the financial crisis of ...

Social Forces and Me

Jonah Raskin


When my beat up 2009 Jetta with 70, 000 miles was stolen on the street in front of the apartment building where I live, I felt isolated, alone and a victim. It was the big impersonal ...

Eric Garner, the Informal Economy, and the System’s War on Those Who Depend On It

Paul Wasserman


When Eric Garner was murdered by New York City police in July 2014, the cops had targeted him on suspicion of selling “loosies” – single cigarettes taken from illegally untaxed cigarette packs. Witnesses claimed that Garner ...

Michigan Deluge? Capitalist Catastrophe

Chris Alexander


For all that don’t know, and most outside of the region (Detroit, southeast Michigan and mid-Michigan) don’t know because the national media has had little to no coverage, we were hit really hard by a serious ...