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Google User Reviews of US Jails and Prisons

Erin Cully


People across the US are taking to Google user reviews with grievances about the jails and prisons where they and their loved ones are held.


Pennsylvania Sheriff Warns: Accept No Imitation

Noel Ignatiev


Earlier this month a mysterious call came through to Dr. Mark Crucianiโ€™s office in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The caller identified himself as a sheriffโ€™s deputy from Lackawanna County and informed Cruciani that he had missed a court ...


Curtis Price


Weโ€™re driving down Route 72 Saturday morning from Huntsville to Scottsboro, a small blue collar city of fourteen thousand that the Tennessee wraps around like a fat brown snake before uncoiling down river. Scottsboro, that Alabama ...


The Secret Lives of Rikers Island Jail Guards

Jarrod Shanahan


โ€œCorrections should rehabilitate the inmates,โ€ writes C. Renรฉ West in Caught in the Struggle, โ€œbut who has the time. The officers are so busy trying to sift through all the confusion in the parking lots, locker ...


Cocaine, Kanye West and Shitty Jobs

Zhandarka Kurti


by Zhandarka Kurtiย  Around this time last year, I met Mike, a black man in his mid 40s, in the offices of a non-profit organization working with formerly incarcerated people. Its offices are located in a ...


Preach deliverance to the captives

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev โ€œThirteenth-Amendmentโ€ marches are planned for August 19th in various cities. They are sponsored by a list of notable figures; it would not surprise me to see Bernie Sandersโ€™ or Elizabeth Warrenโ€™s name among ...

Exploited, Abused, Neglected – Mental Illness and Solitary Confinement in Texas Prisons

By Noah โ€œComrade Kadoโ€ Coffin & Keith โ€œComrade Malikโ€ Washington Imagine spending 23 hours each day alone in a 6×9 ft space. Crowd into it a toilet/sink combo, rusty iron set of bunk beds, and overhead ...


New Zine ‘Visiting Day’ Available Free Online

In the summer of 2016 zinesters Maud Pryor (Marmalade Umlaut) and Nate McDonough (Grixly) visited their pal Jarrod Shanahan while he was locked up at Rikers Island. Maud and Nate documented the visit from the visitor’s ...


Some Bullshit

Jarrod Shanahan


In late December, 2014 the New York Patrolmenโ€™s Benevolent Association coordinated a work slowdown that effectively brought street-level policing to a halt in New York City.For the previous month, diffuse direct actions that would come to ...