Author Archive for:

The Eviction

Curtis Price


It’s that time of the month again and the Sheriffs are here because evictions are starting. Alabama law requires a Sheriff to be physically present during an eviction and today, the Sheriffs lounge in the oppressive ...


“I Want To Learn Everything!”: The Proletarian “I”

Curtis Price


By the early twentieth century, literacy rates in Russia substantially increased among urban workers and peasants as a result of extending public education to previous illiterate sectors of the population. This drive toward adult education was ...


Our Eyes Are Watching . . . Green Beans and Watermelon

Curtis Price


Out with the dog on a hot muggy Alabama afternoon with temperatures skirting 100, I walked across the parking lot of the African-American church across from where I live. In the middle of the tarmac, someone ...


“Hard Times”

Curtis Price


It’s the expressions. Some stare vacantly with that deer-in-the-headlights look, some glower defiantly, others hold the steady downwards gaze of the already-defeated and always-defeated, the type of people who look like they could use a small ...


This Place is Poisoning Our Loved Ones

Curtis Price


Below is a post from the “Look Out For One Another” FB group in Huntsville, Alabama. Most of the responses gave specific information about who to contact, but a few made larger points such as the ...

The Moral Economy in the Black Rural South

Curtis Price


(Reprinted from the July-August 2019 “The Brooklyn Rail) Once you drive out of Huntsville, within 15 minutes you run into deeply rural areas. Open fields, some cultivated, some wild; mobile homes and modest bungalows mix with ...


At The Pain Clinic, North Alabama

Curtis Price


I’m in Boaz, Sand Mountain, with a friend going to the local pain clinic. The waiting room is filled with middle-aged, rural/small-town, working-class whites who generally look in poor health. A crowded waiting room full of ...

The Black and White of It

Curtis Price


One of my neighbors living three buildings down had his leg amputated several months ago. At first, the doctors thought it was a Brown Recluse spider bite but later figured out it was a circulation problem. ...


The Grammar of Loneliness

Curtis Price


When the elderly woman spoke to me after I said “hi” outside our apartment complex’s communal laundromat, her words tumbled out with the unmistakable grammar of terrible loneliness. She had a slightly anxious, furtive look, as ...


World of Interconnected Strangers

Curtis Price


As I parked, I heard a tap on my window. The tap came from a neighbor from the building next door, a 40-ish African-American man with an unfashionable, immaculately coifed Afro and John Lennon-style glasses, radiating ...