Category Archive for:

Pop Culture

Escaping into Music and Fashion Part II: Alexander McQueen

Zhandarka Kurti


From High School Drop Out to World-Renowned Fashionista As a closeted goth (which wasn’t exactly cool in Bronx public schools in the late 90s) who scribbled dark and depressing poetry on the margins of her notebooks, ...


Escaping into music and fashion: Whitney Houston and Alexander McQueen

Zhandarka Kurti


Part I Like most Americans I am obsessed with celebrities. I am often that annoying person holding up the line at the local Rite Aid with her one item (usually Twix caramel chocolate bar), thumbing idly ...



Dexter Herda


Bedroom Window Musty gray dawn trespasses into the noon hour; And one looks like the other from this side of my bedroom window. Weather stained pawn malingers from stale to sour; And one smells like the ...

Thinking about Papa Heinz

Luis Brennan


Ketchup makes bad fake blood Because it doesn’t stir the right Kind of horror or nervousness. It’s too sweet looking and gooey. The red it all wrong and dried it Doesn’t leave that flat rust stain ...

On Reading Kenneth Fearing’s “The Hospital”

Curtis Price


“I’ll never get used to this hospital smell of antiseptic, not even after all the times I visited Alice in Bellevue. It’s the smell of the grave. Think of something without that smell. Think of something ...

Italian Auto Workers Demand Red Card

The Left Hook


The mega-rich Italian Agnelli family has bulging coffers.  They own the Fiat Chrysler Corporation, Ferrari, and have a controlling interest in Turin’s Juventus football team, one of the premier clubs in Europe.  The Agnellis aren’t exactly ...

Viva Mexico! Dispatches from the World Cup

Zhandarka Kurti


Little Italy in the Bronx is slowly waking up from the previous night’s revelry. A man wearing a “Kiss me, I’m Italian” t-shirt sets up his makeshift sidewalk kitchen, soon to be selling zeppoles, sausage, and ...
Bob Dylan

Larry Kirwan on the magic of seeing Bob Dylan live for the first time

John Garvey


I might never have become a musician if I hadn’t heard Like A Rolling Stone. That groundbreaking single sent me helter-skeltering out of womb-like Wexford and into the maelstrom of Manhattan’s Lower East Side. I never ...


Breaking the Glass Ceiling: The confirmation of Gina Haspel as head of the CIA

Noel Ignatiev


“The Fifty Percent Solution… an equal demand in the army and national guard, state troopers, sheriffs, and among the ranks of prosecuting attorneys. Why stop there? How about a movement for women’s revolutionary right to drop ...


Something Lost? Something Gained?

John Garvey


by John Garvey The New York Times recently published a profile of Saul Chandler, a seventy-year old man who now spends most of his time on a boat docked at City Island, a small sliver of ...