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On the Anniversary of Elvis Presley’s Death

Mike Morgan


I was born in 1955, right around the time that Elvis Presley broke out in Memphis, Tennessee.  Throughout my childhood, Elvis was an essential feature, a guiding light.  I grew up with The Rolling Stones, Bob ...

Death of an Anarchist

A.M. Gittlitz


On May 13 Peter Ventantonio, better known as Jack Terricloth, frontman of the World/Inferno Friendship Society, passed away at the age of 50. Few others in the history of the genre so seamlessly and sincerely combined ...

Vee & Me Up In Here

Chris Alexander


DMX is dead.  Admittedly, when he blew up in late 1990s, he wasn’t my go to for hip hop, although I did appreciate him.  He was unapologetically rough.  He was uncompromisingly raw, despite slick production.  That ...

The Last of The Wailers – A Brief Tribute to Bunny Wailer

Mike Morgan


Bunny Wailer (Neville O’Riley Livingston) passed away last week.  Together with Bob Marley and Peter Tosh, he made up the triumvirate that the music world knew as The Wailers.  He had 73 years and outlived his ...

On Bruce Springsteen and his Super Bowl Ad…Two Short Essays

John Garvey and Mike Morgan


“Against the Middle” By John Garvey There’s a chapel in Kansas Standing on the exact center of the lower forty-eight. It never closes. All are more than welcome To come meet here, in the middle. It’s ...


The Thames Delta is Our Backyard: On Wilko Johnson

Mike Morgan


Bang! – The Unstoppable Force Meets the Immoveable Object From Oil City Confidential I’m listening to the latest Wilko Johnson record called Blow Your Mind.  A few years before that, I listened a lot to his ...


“Stand Up and Be Counted”: Aretha, Sixties Soul, and Power

Curtis Price


I was never a fan of Motown and sixties R&B; it came a decade before I came of age and I was never retroactively especially drawn to it. But that musical era still brings back memories ...


This Mongrel Nation

Curtis Price


“American culture, even in its most rigidly segregated precincts, is patently and irrevocably composite. It is, regardless of all the hysterical protestations of those who would have it otherwise, incontestable mulatto . . .Indeed, for all ...


The Chicago Women’s Liberation Rock Band, 1970-1973

Naomi Weisstein


A Memoir and Reflection on Badass Boffo Revolutionary Feminist Music by Naomi Weisstein Introduction by John Garvey Naomi Weisstein was a founding member of the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union in 1969 and, soon afterwards, a founding ...
Bob Dylan

Larry Kirwan on the magic of seeing Bob Dylan live for the first time

John Garvey


I might never have become a musician if I hadn’t heard Like A Rolling Stone. That groundbreaking single sent me helter-skeltering out of womb-like Wexford and into the maelstrom of Manhattan’s Lower East Side. I never ...