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The Moral Economy in the Black Rural South

Curtis Price


(Reprinted from the July-August 2019 “The Brooklyn Rail) Once you drive out of Huntsville, within 15 minutes you run into deeply rural areas. Open fields, some cultivated, some wild; mobile homes and modest bungalows mix with ...


The Black and White of It

Curtis Price


One of my neighbors living three buildings down had his leg amputated several months ago. At first, the doctors thought it was a Brown Recluse spider bite but later figured out it was a circulation problem. ...


Loss Prevention

Zhandarka Kurti


Grey and cloudy days like today make the Bronx look uglier. The streets are strewn with garbage, the sidewalks smeared with dog shit, and some old lady is likely to poke you with her umbrella. Nonetheless ...


Homesick for a Place That Doesn’t Exist

Navid Nasr


Whether we realize it or not, we all need a sense of community, a sense of belonging, a place to call home. A place that, no matter where else we find ourselves, 50 miles away or ...


Defining Hard Crackers: From the Editors

1. Modern American society is a ticking time-bomb where an impending social explosion is hinted at by everyday violence of all kinds— the abuse of children; physical and sexual attacks by men against women, against other ...


The Infrapolitics of Voting in the South

Curtis Price


Whatever the arguments against voting and participation in electoral politics – and they are sound arguments; the great sucking sound of the Democratic Party absorbing and digesting social movements is real – in certain circumstances struggles ...


“Shit-Life Syndrome” (Oxycontin Blues)

Curtis Price


The drug crisis is hard to ignore in the South – and not just in the rural areas. People keel over waiting for buses or lie slouched and zoned out in cars, as if some zombie-inducing ...

Three barbers working furiously… and a fourth murdered

Kingsley Clarke


It has become a tradition in Chicago for black barbers to give free haircuts to neighborhood schoolboys during the last days before school commences. (Chicago Public Schools open Tuesday.) I walked by the neighborhood barber shop ...


The Ideal of the Broken Down: On the Neapolitan Approach to Things Technical

John Garvey


Alfred Sohn-Rethel Alfred Sohn-Rethel was the author of Economy and Class Structure in German Fascism and Intellectual and Manual Labor: a critique of epistemology—two important works on economics and philosophy.  He spent time in Naples during the 1920s ...