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Agenda for a New Generation



The COVID-19 crisis is the most calamitous global event any living person can recall. Millions of cases worldwide have claimed over 150,000 lives as epidemiologists predict far more mayhem before the virus is under control. The ...

The Infrapolitics of Voting in the South

Curtis Price


Whatever the arguments against voting and participation in electoral politics – and they are sound arguments; the great sucking sound of the Democratic Party absorbing and digesting social movements is real – in certain circumstances struggles ...


The Peril of Voting and the Promise of Action

John Garvey


It may well be that no outrage yet carried out under the Trump regime has so galvanized popular disgust and opposition as the decision to implement a policy of separating children from parents when they arrive ...


vote or die

Alabama: “Vote or Die”

Curtis Price


by Curtis Price The election of Democrat Doug Jones in Alabama December 12th sent shock waves through the political establishment. To put Jones’s victory in perspective, the last time a Democrat won  a Senate race in ...

Suggestions for shutdown

John Garvey


Hard Crackers wants to help the nation out in its time of need; therefore we’ve drawn up the following recommendations for what the government could do during the shutdown: 1.  End all drone attacks. 2.  Close ...


Lost Opportunity

Noel Ignatiev


Roy Moore, Republican nominee to fill the U.S. Senate seat from Alabama vacated by Jeff Sessions, has been accused of sexually harassing teenage girls, including a fourteen-year-old. Moore is the founder and president of the Foundation ...



Noel Ignatiev


In declaring Trump’s presidency illegitimate, Representative John Lewis opened a discussion that may go beyond what he had in mind. Lewis based his statement on the supposed role of Russian hacking in determining the outcome of ...


Short Shots from an Abolitionist

Andrew Stewart


by Andrew Stewart   Note: None of the opinions expressed herein are to be construed as those of anyone but the author’s.   -At this point we can only pray for gridlock until 2018 when a ...

Smashing Kittens

Noel Ignatiev


By now many people have seen Donald Trump’s mocking imitation of The New York Times reporter who suffers from a disabling ailment that prevents him from using his arms fully and who asked Trump a question ...


Garrison and the 2016 Election

Noel Ignatiev


A friend recently called my attention to an article by William Lloyd Garrison, “On the Constitution and the Union,” in The Liberator, Dec. 29, 1832. Here is the link:   Garrison made several points:   ...