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“I don’t think Tyson’s gives two shits about their workers.”

Bill Smith


It was the workers and their kids who shut down Tyson’s Waterloo, Iowa meatpacking plant on April 22, 2020. Not the governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds, who seemed to show more concern for the hogs who ...


Doing Time in Trousdale is a Death Sentence! Tennesseans Speak Out

Hard Crackers Editors


Trousdale Turner Correctional Facility is leading the nation in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, an estimated total of 1,393. Trousdale is a private prison for men in Hartsville, Tennessee, about an hour drive from Nashville. ...


“It felt like the world stopped”: A Hasidic Jew’s perspective on COVID-19 in Brooklyn

Ben Lorber


Recently, much controversy has arisen regarding Orthodox Jewish communities in NYC and the COVID-19 virus. Early in the pandemic, a media narrative emerged that Orthodox communities in Brooklyn neighborhoods were disproportionately violating social distancing measures. Many ...


Advertising in the Virus Age

To borrow a phrase from the Madison Avenue ad people “In these difficult times, it’s reassuring to know that we still have enough of what we need.”  Well, let’s be more truthful here.  We may have ...

Losing Kathy: Slow Violence and Social Service Work in New York City

Jesse Bernstein


One of my last conversations at Ladders Services was with the Medical Examiner’s office after I heard Kathy had died.* My cubicle was in a cellar with an open floor plan, shared with other cubicles, and ...


To Our Readers:

Hard Crackers Editors


We hope that you have been following our steady stream of articles and interviews about life under the COVID 19 pandemic.  We’re planning on continuing to put things up as fast as possible.  If you have ideas ...


Unsafe At Home: Domestic Violence Amid Covid-19

Zhandarka Kurti


One of the dark consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown that has not received the attention it deserves is the rise in domestic violence cases with uneven trends at the local, state and national ...


In Plain Sight (if we looked)

John Garvey


For the past couple of months, we’ve been seeing news reports and ads that tell us: “We’re all in this together” and “We’re strong” and “We’ll never forget our heroes”.  Most of the reports and ads ...

“They Wouldn’t Be Able to Deal With an Outbreak”: A View From Inside an Arizona Women’s Prison

Andrea Portillo


Earlier this month, Andrea Portillo, an inmate at Perryville State Prison in Arizona, shared her experience with postpartum psychosis with Hard Crackers. She tells us what it’s like inside her facility during the pandemic. What is ...

Southern Solidarity: Mutual Aid in New Orleans Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Hard Crackers Editors


Recently we had a chance to talk with Jasmine from Southern Solidarity, a mutual aid collective distributing food and supplies to the unhoused people of New Orleans. The COVID-19 death rate in the crescent city is ...