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‘Stick a Fork in Their Ass & Turn ‘em Over – They’re Done.’

Josh Machlin


Sorry to be a ‘Negative Nelly’ (& co-opt a Lou Reed lyric again), but pull up a stool and let me tell you why the Covid crisis is really just a mirror to a species already ...

Mask down, fists up: a day at work in the library

James Stephens


Like most workers, I don’t wake up in the morning thinking I’m going to get swung at while at my job. I’m a librarian, not a professional boxer or an MMA fighter. But on a Monday ...

What are we supposed to do in Brooklyn?

Mike Morgan


“Do Nothing Until You Hear From Me, And You Never Will” – Duke Ellington It is patently obvious that America is screwing up royally on the COVID-19 plague.  Essentially the leadership, whether it be de Blasio, ...

What is the American Ruling Class Up To?

Hard Crackers Editors


More importantly, how might we respond?– A Hard Crackers Roundtable Series  John: Let me begin with what is probably obvious.  The last several weeks have witnessed an extraordinary explosion of protests, of just about every imaginable variety, ...

The Blood on the Bricks: On Reform, Characters & The Iron City House Rockers

Mike Morgan


First off, I want to encourage all readers to check out the new Matthew Lyons essay in the publication Three Way Fight on the ruling class strategies towards insurgency. Matthew explores the carrot and stick approach to ...

“I don’t think Tyson’s gives two shits about their workers.”

Bill Smith


It was the workers and their kids who shut down Tyson’s Waterloo, Iowa meatpacking plant on April 22, 2020. Not the governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds, who seemed to show more concern for the hogs who ...


Advertising in the Virus Age

To borrow a phrase from the Madison Avenue ad people “In these difficult times, it’s reassuring to know that we still have enough of what we need.”  Well, let’s be more truthful here.  We may have ...

Southern Solidarity: Mutual Aid in New Orleans Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Hard Crackers Editors


Recently we had a chance to talk with Jasmine from Southern Solidarity, a mutual aid collective distributing food and supplies to the unhoused people of New Orleans. The COVID-19 death rate in the crescent city is ...

Crisis on top of crisis in Kensington

James Stephens


During this COVID-19 crisis, probably many of us have had moments where we have thought, “Oh, shit, what’s going to happen when coronavirus spreads to (fill in the blank)? We have worried about those who fill ...

The Death President

John Garvey


Four presidents of the United States have been assassinated: Abraham Lincoln (1864), James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy (1963).  An additional fourteen presidents are considered to have been the targets of assassination attempts.  Keep ...