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What Are White Workers Thinking? An Interview with Timothy Lombardo

Hard Crackers Editors


Timothy Lombardo is a native of Northeast Philadelphia and the author of Blue-Collar Conservatism: Frank Rizzo’s Philadelphia and Populist Politics. We caught up with him to discuss the post-war dynamics that gave rise to blue-collar conservatism, ...

“Preserving Our Capacity to Act:” An Interview with Kristian Williams

Hard Crackers Editors


Hard Crackers:  If I understand correctly the argument you’ve made about the efficacy of riots, it’s that they impose, far more effectively than legal limits, that communities can place new limits on police brutality. That seems ...

Doing Time in Trousdale is a Death Sentence! Tennesseans Speak Out

Hard Crackers Editors


Trousdale Turner Correctional Facility is leading the nation in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, an estimated total of 1,393. Trousdale is a private prison for men in Hartsville, Tennessee, about an hour drive from Nashville. ...



Hard Crackers Editors


On the Outside Agitators Question Governors, Mayors, Police Chiefs, and many network TV journalists with their security experts are all set on promoting the idea that the uncontainable sectors of the enormous protests that are engulfing ...

The Fire Down Below

Hard Crackers Editors


The popular saying is “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”  It is often used to explain the reasons for a rumor, or to describe another firearm metaphor “the smoking gun” (the hidden truth that will blow the ...

“An Injury to One is an Injury to All” A Minneapolis Bus Driver on Solidarity with Minneapolis Protesters 

Hard Crackers Editors


Adam is a bus driver in Minneapolis and a member of ATU Local 1005 and Socialist Alternative MN. In the midst of the ongoing protests in Minneapolis, he made the decision to refuse police officers’ request ...

“Enough is Enough!” A Letter from Ramsey Orta

Hard Crackers Editors


“These DOCCS employees working under the color of law with a badge of authority from the State of New York, knowingly and maliciously engage in criminal activity with state sanctioned impunity from acting Commissioner of DOCCS, ...

To Our Readers:

Hard Crackers Editors


We hope that you have been following our steady stream of articles and interviews about life under the COVID 19 pandemic.  We’re planning on continuing to put things up as fast as possible.  If you have ideas ...


Southern Solidarity: Mutual Aid in New Orleans Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Hard Crackers Editors


Recently we had a chance to talk with Jasmine from Southern Solidarity, a mutual aid collective distributing food and supplies to the unhoused people of New Orleans. The COVID-19 death rate in the crescent city is ...

“When Your Home Turns into a Prison”: Former Prisoner Reflects on Life Under Coronavirus Lockdown

Hard Crackers Editors


Ronald Owens, aka “Cornbread,” lives in Lynn, Massachusetts. He spent 13 years in a Massachusetts maximum security prison, where he and Noel Ignatiev met in 1996 as pen pals. They remained close friends ever since. What ...