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To Make New England Go Red

Tanzeem Ajmiri


As I switched tabs on my computer back and forth between the documentary on Ancient Egypt and the election night results, my phone buzzed. It was my cousin informing me that Trump was leading in Rhode ...


“So Are White People”: A Discussion of Race, Class, and Police Violence

Tanzeem Ajmiri


JS: Last week President Trump was asked about the epidemic of Black people murdered by police in the United States. His response was: “So are white people. More white people, by the way.”  TA: I have ...

Politics from a Baby Boomer

Tanzeem Ajmiri


In March of this year, a Hard Crackers correspondent took a trip to New Hampshire to visit a friend. It was her first time being in a place that was majority white and she was interested ...


Coronavirus and Conspiracy

Tanzeem Ajmiri


It was day three of my self-imposed Rona virus (shout out to Black Twitter) quarantine and it was clear that sitting in my underwear scrolling through Facebook was quickly becoming my life. Between the apocalyptic posts ...

#NYCStripperStrike: Race, Class and Women’s Work

Tanzeem Ajmiri


“Honey, I guess you can sum up this business in one sentence,” stripper Bobbie Bruce told reporter Jack Griffin at Minsky’s Rialto Theater, a hub of early-1950s Chicago burlesque. “You grab as much sex as the ...