Category Archive for:

US History

Hard Crackers

Marx and Engels on Civil War: New Collection

Marcelo Badaró Mattos


Review by Marcelo Badaró Mattos The Civil War in the United States, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Edited by Andrew Zimmerman. New York: International Publishers, 2016. Paper, $14.00. Pp. 256. This book is the second ...

The Peril of Voting and the Promise of Action

John Garvey


It may well be that no outrage yet carried out under the Trump regime has so galvanized popular disgust and opposition as the decision to implement a policy of separating children from parents when they arrive ...



Curtis Price


We’re driving down Route 72 Saturday morning from Huntsville to Scottsboro, a small blue collar city of fourteen thousand that the Tennessee wraps around like a fat brown snake before uncoiling down river. Scottsboro, that Alabama ...


Ira Berlin: In Memorium

Patrick Rael


Ira Berlin, a great historian of slavery, died a few days ago. The following tribute to him is by Patrick Rael, a former student of Berlin’s and no mean historian himself. It does honor to Berlin, ...

Breaking the Glass Ceiling: The confirmation of Gina Haspel as head of the CIA

Noel Ignatiev


“The Fifty Percent Solution… an equal demand in the army and national guard, state troopers, sheriffs, and among the ranks of prosecuting attorneys. Why stop there? How about a movement for women’s revolutionary right to drop ...


KILL, KILL, KILL: Reflections on Gaza

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev A 1983 film, WarGames, opens with an American pilot in the cockpit getting an order to launch a missile strike in retaliation for a Soviet attack on the U.S. Instead of carrying out ...


Florida High School


Noel Ignatiev


posted by Noel Ignatiev Following the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, someone posted the following comment on Facebook: Everyone wants to make school shootings about guns, but no one wants to consider that they might also ...


Hard Crackers

“Hard Crackers, Come Again No More”

Vincent Kelley


I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with two editors from Hard Crackers, Noel Ignatiev and James Murray. Hard Crackers  is a periodical founded in 2016 that deals with race from a perspective that has deeply informed my own. ...

Time for a global anthem

Noel Ignatiev


by Julia Ward Howe and the Massachusetts Fifty-fourth Regiment (forwarded by Noel Ignatiev) In Counterpunch of Oct. 3, Ishmael Reed suggests it is time for a new national anthem, perhaps one written by Stevie Wonder. I am ...

Rainbow Coalition or Class War?

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev In 1892 Thomas E. Watson ran for Congress on the People’s Party ticket (also known as the Populist Party) in Georgia’s tenth district. Watson himself was a native Georgian, son of a Confederate ...