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Noel Ignatiev


By Noel Ignatiev The following is the individual work of the writer (who happens to be the editor of Hard Crackers); it has not been submitted for approval to the editorial board and does not necessarily ...


Letter From Huntsville: “Look Out For One Another”

Curtis Price


by Curtis Price Through an unknown Facebook friend, I was added to a “secret” Facebook group of some 2,000-odd folks in northern Alabama, where I live. You can’t join, you have to be referred and vetted ...

Unity – At Whose Cost?

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev The Palestinian American Women’s Association announced that it would boycott the January 20 Women’s March in Los Angeles. The announcement came after Scarlett Johannson was confirmed as a “Special Guest speaker” at the ...


Rainbow Coalition or Class War?

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev In 1892 Thomas E. Watson ran for Congress on the People’s Party ticket (also known as the Populist Party) in Georgia’s tenth district. Watson himself was a native Georgian, son of a Confederate ...

Exploited, Abused, Neglected – Mental Illness and Solitary Confinement in Texas Prisons

By Noah “Comrade Kado” Coffin & Keith “Comrade Malik” Washington Imagine spending 23 hours each day alone in a 6×9 ft space. Crowd into it a toilet/sink combo, rusty iron set of bunk beds, and overhead ...


The way to defend free speech is to exercise it

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev As probably everyone reading this knows, Professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor has canceled her West Coast tour following threats to her life stimulated by FOX news reports of a talk she gave at Hampshire College ...


Report from Austin, Texas

Heath Schultz


Heath Schultz Report Back: White Lives Matter Counter-rally in Austin, Texas Submission to Hard Crackers, 12/2/16     Rallies are always the same in Austin — outside the State Capitol building where Congress Ave. intersects with ...

Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock

James Murray


The Black Lives Matter movement has caused great fear and loathing in white people across the country. Police administrators have referred to them as terrorists and claimed to be “At war,” with BLM members or those ...