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Hard Crackers Editors


On the Outside Agitators Question Governors, Mayors, Police Chiefs, and many network TV journalists with their security experts are all set on promoting the idea that the uncontainable sectors of the enormous protests that are engulfing ...

The Fire Down Below

Hard Crackers Editors


The popular saying is “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”  It is often used to explain the reasons for a rumor, or to describe another firearm metaphor “the smoking gun” (the hidden truth that will blow the ...

ON THE TB WARD: A few stories of lungs

Jenny Morgan


When I was being treated for TB in the old St Mary’s Hospital on Harrow Road in London – this was in 1972, a long time ago – the nurses used to give the patients a ...

Advertising in the Virus Age

To borrow a phrase from the Madison Avenue ad people “In these difficult times, it’s reassuring to know that we still have enough of what we need.”  Well, let’s be more truthful here.  We may have ...

Stick-up on Rikers Island

David Campbell


It started with the phones. A few minutes before 9:30 on Saturday morning, mid-conversation with wives, children, friends, and lawyers, the lines all went dead. This was March 22nd. Visits had been suspended a week prior, ...


Crisis on top of crisis in Kensington

James Stephens


During this COVID-19 crisis, probably many of us have had moments where we have thought, “Oh, shit, what’s going to happen when coronavirus spreads to (fill in the blank)? We have worried about those who fill ...

On Organizing the Grunts: COVID-19, the Sailors and Some Other World History

Mike Morgan


I don’t mean to sound old school here.  When General Giap, a commander of the Vietnam Peoples’ Army, wrote in his memoir about the conditions that allowed a victory over the almighty US armed forces in ...


Adventures in Cruiseland

John Garvey


Cruise ships are big—the ships are incredibly large and the number of worldwide passengers grows steadily. Many of the big ships are four football fields long, a half football field wide and almost a football field high ...


Harlem Homecoming

Salim Washington


By Salim Washington *The following originally appeared as a Facebook post.* I got in late the night before last and walked the streets of my old neighborhood, mainly in search of a meal and some snacks ...


“Hard Times”

Curtis Price


It’s the expressions. Some stare vacantly with that deer-in-the-headlights look, some glower defiantly, others hold the steady downwards gaze of the already-defeated and always-defeated, the type of people who look like they could use a small ...