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From the Archives

Mask down, fists up: a day at work in the library

James Stephens


Like most workers, I don’t wake up in the morning thinking I’m going to get swung at while at my job. I’m a librarian, not a professional boxer or an MMA fighter. But on a Monday ...

Killing Time

Tim Bruno


You can hear a sulking refrain from some corners of the internet lately, usually from armchair revolutionaries, celebrity leftists, or just the “extremely online”: the militant phase of the 2020 uprising against police terror is over—liberal ...

“Phillip My Dear”: The Mighty Sparrow Turns 85

Mike Morgan


In the early 1980s when I was cabbing for a living, there was a NYC radio station that devoted all of its Sunday programming to reggae and calypso music. The deejays knew their stuff, and they ...


Running Toward the New World

James Stephens


I am a runner. I am not fast. I don’t compete save for a few odd races here and there, and I’m not really competing in those except against myself. I’m not much for group runs ...

Police Rebellion, Then and Now

Jarrod: A recent New York Times headline sums it up well: “Facing Protests Over Use of Force, Police Respond With More Force.” Even as America’s cult of cop worship implodes before our eyes, it is clear ...

“Preserving Our Capacity to Act:” An Interview with Kristian Williams

Hard Crackers Editors


Hard Crackers:  If I understand correctly the argument you’ve made about the efficacy of riots, it’s that they impose, far more effectively than legal limits, that communities can place new limits on police brutality. That seems ...

In the Streets of Philadelphia

A lot can happen in a week. On Saturday, May 30, a beautiful sunny afternoon, we joined thousands of others at the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum to protest the murder of George Floyd by ...

“I don’t think Tyson’s gives two shits about their workers.”

Bill Smith


It was the workers and their kids who shut down Tyson’s Waterloo, Iowa meatpacking plant on April 22, 2020. Not the governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds, who seemed to show more concern for the hogs who ...


Doing Time in Trousdale is a Death Sentence! Tennesseans Speak Out

Hard Crackers Editors


Trousdale Turner Correctional Facility is leading the nation in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, an estimated total of 1,393. Trousdale is a private prison for men in Hartsville, Tennessee, about an hour drive from Nashville. ...


DOWNFALL! Trump in the Bunker

Mike Morgan


The image of the clot Trump being whisked by Secret Service agents into the White House underground bunker last Friday night (May 29th) to avoid the protests is a satirist’s dream come true.   Excuse me for ...