Category Archive for:

Everyday Life

“Shit-Life Syndrome” (Oxycontin Blues)

Curtis Price


The drug crisis is hard to ignore in the South – and not just in the rural areas. People keel over waiting for buses or lie slouched and zoned out in cars, as if some zombie-inducing ...

This Mongrel Nation

Curtis Price


“American culture, even in its most rigidly segregated precincts, is patently and irrevocably composite. It is, regardless of all the hysterical protestations of those who would have it otherwise, incontestable mulatto . . .Indeed, for all ...


Ghana vibes: first trip to Accra

Salim Washington


My preparation began before even landing in Accra it would seem. It was interesting as I went via Namibia Air and stopped in Windhoek and Lagos before reaching my destination. In Johannesburg the Ghanaians on the ...


Letter from Italy

Ferruccio Gambino


Thanks for sending me the latest issue of “Hard Crackers.” It is an excellent issue. It has confirmed my view that we need a similar publication in Southern Europe and particularly in this country. TV news ...


Black Panthers

The Ex-Panther

Curtis Price


When I lived in Baltimore and went to events sponsored by the anarchist bookstore, often I’d notice the presence of one or two ex-Panthers, stray corks bobbing in an ocean of youthful whiteness. They stayed to ...

Ardmore, Tennessee: “Don’t Like Your Rights Taken Away? Don’t Take Away Someone Else’s!!!”

Curtis Price


Driving from Huntsville to southern Tennessee, the Huntsville exurbs soon dissolve into rolling corn fields alternated with soybean patches and then the lanes shrink into just two. This stretch of north Alabama and south Tennessee is ...



Dexter Herda


Bedroom Window Musty gray dawn trespasses into the noon hour; And one looks like the other from this side of my bedroom window. Weather stained pawn malingers from stale to sour; And one smells like the ...

Thinking about Papa Heinz

Luis Brennan


Ketchup makes bad fake blood Because it doesn’t stir the right Kind of horror or nervousness. It’s too sweet looking and gooey. The red it all wrong and dried it Doesn’t leave that flat rust stain ...

On Reading Kenneth Fearing’s “The Hospital”

Curtis Price


“I’ll never get used to this hospital smell of antiseptic, not even after all the times I visited Alice in Bellevue. It’s the smell of the grave. Think of something without that smell. Think of something ...

Pennsylvania Sheriff Warns: Accept No Imitation

Noel Ignatiev


Earlier this month a mysterious call came through to Dr. Mark Cruciani’s office in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The caller identified himself as a sheriff’s deputy from Lackawanna County and informed Cruciani that he had missed a court ...