Category Archive for:

Everyday Life

The Anniversary

Chris Alexander


The anniversary.ย  Two years ago, March 16th, 2020, the last time I lived in California. I took these shots on what was the eve before the world shut down. Looking west, the sun was setting over ...


Talking Late-Capitalist Kenophobic โ€˜Post-Pandemicโ€™ Blues

Josh Machlin


I had finally googled it sometime in lockdown โ€“ โ€˜kenophobia,โ€™ or a fear of open spaces โ€“ subtly different from agoraphobia (the fear of leaving the house for a public space of any kind โ€“ a ...


The Original A#1 – Lee Marvin Rides the Rails – At the Drive-In with Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan


I’ll never forget the opening sequence of the 1960 film The Magnificent Seven, the western remake of Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Sumarai.ย  This is not because of the Elmer Bernstein Marlboro Man theme music.ย  Nor is it ...

Maoโ€™s Children

Avery D'Agostino


Editor’s note: A long, long time ago, strange groups populated a lot of the left wing in the US. This is a fictional story about one of them. Avery has previously written a piece of short ...

Property: Is it Theft? Is it Freedom or Is it Both? Merry Christmas!

Jonah Raskin


Not long after Thanksgiving this year, I went to San Franciscoโ€™s Japantown (โ€œJtownโ€ to locals). Surrounded by commodities for sale and in a high rent district I was reminded of Pierre-Joseph Proudhonโ€™s famous remark, โ€œLa propriรฉtรฉ, ...

All God’s Chillun Got Shoes

Bernard Farber


โ€œIf there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere.โ€ ...

On the Table: A Tale of One Un-American All-American Family

Jonah Raskin


The dining room table that sits in a corner of my apartment is a storehouse of memories. Until I went to college, my parents, my two brothers and I sat around it and ate together almost ...


Rain Day Blues in Frisco Town

Jonah Raskin


When I arrived in San Francisco in May 2021, I brought with me three umbrellas, which had been useful in Sonoma County where it often rained 40 to 50 inches in a year, though there were ...


Bagels, Grapes and Marijuana: A Day in the Country

Jonah Raskin


I did not go to the town of Sonoma to buy bagels, but while I was there for a meeting of the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Enthusiasts (SVCE), I figured I might as well buy half-a-dozen. The ...


Banksters: A Story of Debits and Credits

Jonah Raskin


During the “Great Recession,” which was brought on by the banksters themselves who usually take the money and run, I wrote an article titled โ€œBurn Down the Banks?โ€ It was prompted by the financial crisis of ...
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