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The Guessing Game

Mike Morgan


Every now and so often, we are reminded of how much the inexact art of prediction dominates all facets of American society. The numbers that are crunched by non-humans (computers) find their way into reports and ...

Underlying Conditions

John Garvey


We’ve all become used to what doctors and other experts on the cable news shows say—people with underlying conditions are much more vulnerable to the COVID 19 virus and are in much greater danger of becoming seriously ...

Shame, Capitalism and Gay Psychology

Gus Breslauer


Seven years ago, I met with my first gay-specialized psychologist. I was on a path of self-destruction I no longer wanted to be on, and thought this person could help. I had already been radicalized for ...


End of a Philosophy

John Garvey


(from the chapter with that title in Facing Reality: The New Society … Where to look for it, How to bring it closer, A statement for our time—by CLR James, Grace C. Lee & Pierre Chaulieu, ...



Editors’ Roundtable

Hard Crackers Editors


The shooting at Douglas High School in Parkland prompted an exchange among our editors, which we are publishing here. To begin, three items: The first is from the Hard Crackers mission statement carried in every issue: ...

“How Karl Marx Can Save American Capitalism” by Ronald W. Dworkin (Lexington Books, 2015)

Curtis Price


Reviewed by Curtis Price “Early Marx also threatens the academy, being critical of the very professors who now stand guard over Marxian scholarship.” This unusual book (unusual because it’s written by a conservative physician and political ...


Florida High School


Noel Ignatiev


posted by Noel Ignatiev Following the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, someone posted the following comment on Facebook: Everyone wants to make school shootings about guns, but no one wants to consider that they might also ...


Growing a Life Worth Living

Max Mackay


by Max Mackay Each day that I wake up begins with a sigh. Rolling out of bed in the afternoon, I feed my cats and walk outside. I sit, watch the birds, and enjoy some cannabis. ...

Why He Did It

John Garvey


by John Garvey The authorities and the media sometimes seem more annoyed and frustrated at Stephen Paddock because they can’t figure out why he did it than they are about him killing 58 people and wounding ...

Thoughts on the present situation

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev Trump represents a greater danger to the domination of neoliberal global capital than Sanders did, and its representatives are coming to appreciate that.   Notwithstanding the sentiments of many participants, the “Women’s March” ...