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Time for a global anthem

Noel Ignatiev


by Julia Ward Howe and the Massachusetts Fifty-fourth Regiment (forwarded by Noel Ignatiev) In Counterpunch of Oct. 3, Ishmael Reed suggests it is time for a new national anthem, perhaps one written by Stevie Wonder. I am ...

Anti-fascism, “Anti-racism,” and Abolition

Noel Ignatiev and John Garvey


More than twenty years ago, Race Traitor published an editorial addressed to anti-racist activists. We are re-posting it here, hoping to engage the brave individuals who risked their lives facing down the fascists in the streets ...

Preach deliverance to the captives

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev “Thirteenth-Amendment” marches are planned for August 19th in various cities. They are sponsored by a list of notable figures; it would not surprise me to see Bernie Sanders’ or Elizabeth Warren’s name among ...

Abolitionism: A Study Guide

Noel Ignatiev


Abolitionism: a Study Guide   By John Garvey and Noel Ignatiev   We think it would be useful to study American abolitionism as a home-grown radical movement launched in inauspicious times. To further that end, we have ...

CLR James on Abolitionism

Noel Ignatiev


To read or download the file, click on the image below. At the top of the lightbox that pops open there is a rotate button.

Lesson of the Hour: Introduction

Noel Ignatiev


Lesson of the Hour: Introduction   By Noel Ignatiev   During the winter of 1860−61, as South Carolina and other states responded to Lincoln’s election by announcing their intention to secede, the great Abolitionist Wendell Phillips ...

Short Shots from an Abolitionist

Andrew Stewart


by Andrew Stewart   Note: None of the opinions expressed herein are to be construed as those of anyone but the author’s.   -At this point we can only pray for gridlock until 2018 when a ...

Garrison and the 2016 Election

Noel Ignatiev


A friend recently called my attention to an article by William Lloyd Garrison, “On the Constitution and the Union,” in The Liberator, Dec. 29, 1832. Here is the link:   Garrison made several points:   ...