Author Archive for:

Smashing Kittens

Noel Ignatiev


This originally ran on August 12, 2016. We are republishing various Trump-related articles, as explained in Why We’re Publishing Some Trump Stuff Again. By now many people have seen Donald Trump’s mocking imitation of The New ...


Zionism, Antisemitism, and the People of Palestine

Noel Ignatiev


The following essay is based on a talk that Noel Ignatiev delivered in March 2004 at the Massachusetts College of Arts. Despite being nearly 20 years old, this text is nonetheless absolutely relevant because it provides ...


An 82-year-old man slipped past doormen in upscale buildings for years and stole $400K in jewelry

Noel Ignatiev


Editors’ note: In July we posted a blog about the growing number of older nomad workers who use their vehicles to find ways to survive in these grim times (  We’re now re-posting an article from CNN on a ...


The Revolutionary Moment

Noel Ignatiev


What brings the revolutionary moment? I am not referring to the political struggle that takes place within every mass movement—unions or workers’ councils, soviets or provisional government, abolition or free-soil, black power or civil rights, etc.—but ...


Police Killings, Class, and “Race”

Noel Ignatiev


When I was doing research for How the Irish Became White, I looked at the prison population of Philadelphia from 1815 to 1824, and found, to no one’s surprise, that black people made up a far ...


Hard Crackers statement in French

Noel Ignatiev


Introduction We’re especially pleased to announce that our “Defining Hard Crackers” statement has been translated into French and published in the journal Echanges. The translator wrote to one of our editors to say: “I have been ...


Hard Crackers Contributor among Recipients of Poet Laureate Fellowships  

Noel Ignatiev


New York, NY (April 24, 2019)— The Academy of American Poets is pleased to announce the first-ever recipients of the Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellowships. Among the recipients is Jeanetta Calhoun Mish, Poet Laureate of ...


David Ranney “Living and Dying on the Factory Floor” Upcoming NYC Book Tour

Noel Ignatiev


Hard Crackers is excited to co-sponsor a series of talks with David Ranney about his new book. Recently, Jarrod Shanahan caught up with David Ranney to discuss his book and the important lessons for today. Check ...


Morbid Symptoms, Part II: Attack on Rikers Island

Noel Ignatiev


This is the second of six reviews chronicling the pseudonymous Fred S. Kreider’s Rikers Island Series, a horror franchise set on present-day Rikers Island. In the first installment we met narrator Nicholas Billings, a rookie guard ...


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