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Lift Every Voice

Noel Ignatiev


From a new book by Imani Perry, A History of the Black National Anthem “By asserting the cross-cultural and multigenre and style collage of black formalist rituals, I, like [Ralph] Ellison, am disagreeing with a good ...


Unity – At Whose Cost?

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev The Palestinian American Women’s Association announced that it would boycott the January 20 Women’s March in Los Angeles. The announcement came after Scarlett Johannson was confirmed as a “Special Guest speaker” at the ...


Army having difficulty recruiting

Noel Ignatiev


Facing low recruitment levels, the U.S. Army quietly lifted its ban on allowing people with a history of mental illness, self-mutilation and drug abuse to serve in the military – despite warnings from the industry about ...


Lost Opportunity

Noel Ignatiev


Roy Moore, Republican nominee to fill the U.S. Senate seat from Alabama vacated by Jeff Sessions, has been accused of sexually harassing teenage girls, including a fourteen-year-old. Moore is the founder and president of the Foundation ...


Time for a global anthem

Noel Ignatiev


by Julia Ward Howe and the Massachusetts Fifty-fourth Regiment (forwarded by Noel Ignatiev) In Counterpunch of Oct. 3, Ishmael Reed suggests it is time for a new national anthem, perhaps one written by Stevie Wonder. I am ...

The Revolutionary Moment

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev What brings the revolutionary moment? I am not referring to the political struggle that takes place within every mass movement—unions or workers’ councils, soviets or provisional government, abolition or free-soil, black power or ...


Rainbow Coalition or Class War?

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev In 1892 Thomas E. Watson ran for Congress on the People’s Party ticket (also known as the Populist Party) in Georgia’s tenth district. Watson himself was a native Georgian, son of a Confederate ...

Hard Crackers Event

Noel Ignatiev


Hard Crackers Event: Sunday, September 17, 2017   Hard Crackers is honored to be hosting David Ranney for a reading from his book-length memoir, still in manuscript form, titled Outside In and Inside Out: Living and Working ...

Anti-fascism, “Anti-racism,” and Abolition

Noel Ignatiev


More than twenty years ago, Race Traitor published an editorial addressed to anti-racist activists. We are re-posting it here, hoping to engage the brave individuals who risked their lives facing down the fascists in the streets ...

Preach deliverance to the captives

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev “Thirteenth-Amendment” marches are planned for August 19th in various cities. They are sponsored by a list of notable figures; it would not surprise me to see Bernie Sanders’ or Elizabeth Warren’s name among ...