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All God’s Chillun Got Shoes

Bernard Farber


“If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere.” ...

On the Table: A Tale of One Un-American All-American Family

Jonah Raskin


The dining room table that sits in a corner of my apartment is a storehouse of memories. Until I went to college, my parents, my two brothers and I sat around it and ate together almost ...

More from the Vault: Where Dreams Go To Die



The following piece appeared in issue #8 of Hard Crackers, which can be purchased here.  I get to work late and hung over. I rush past the reference desk, past the remaining display of Black History ...

Rain Day Blues in Frisco Town

Jonah Raskin


When I arrived in San Francisco in May 2021, I brought with me three umbrellas, which had been useful in Sonoma County where it often rained 40 to 50 inches in a year, though there were ...

From the Vault

Hard Crackers Editors


The Hard Crackers project is just over five years old.  During that time, we have published almost a hundred articles in nine issues of our print journal and posted more than 350 articles on our web ...

Indigenous Peoples’ Day – Isandlwana, The Mother of All Battles

Mike Morgan


This particular written project got percolating in my head when one of my co-editors, John Garvey, told me this.   John recently asked his granddaughter whether she had Columbus Day off from school.   She corrected ...