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The Revolutionary Moment

Noel Ignatiev


What brings the revolutionary moment? I am not referring to the political struggle that takes place within every mass movement—unions or workers’ councils, soviets or provisional government, abolition or free-soil, black power or civil rights, etc.—but ...

Bookstore adventures

Matt Capri


From 1992 to 1998 I worked at a large independent bookstore. Mostly I worked in the store room. They started me on paperback literature which was a mess. My task was to alphabetize and stack the ...

Some Reflections on Prison Labor

Ruth Wilson Gilmore: A popular notion in some progressive circles holds that US prisons are a chain of sweatshops and plantations where hundreds of thousands of incarcerated people labor under excruciating conditions to generate profits for ...

At The Pain Clinic, North Alabama

Curtis Price


I’m in Boaz, Sand Mountain, with a friend going to the local pain clinic. The waiting room is filled with middle-aged, rural/small-town, working-class whites who generally look in poor health. A crowded waiting room full of ...

UPDATE ON THE 2019 CRICKET WORLD CUP (as of June 15, 2019)

The Left Hook


You won’t see anything about this in the NY Times, so I am taking responsibility for giving you yesterday’s news today or is it tomorrow’s news yesterday.  This is all about the Cricket World Cup, currently ...

The Black and White of It

Curtis Price


One of my neighbors living three buildings down had his leg amputated several months ago. At first, the doctors thought it was a Brown Recluse spider bite but later figured out it was a circulation problem. ...

The Immortal Ten and the Rescue of John Doy In July 1859 Kansan James B. Abbott collected a force of 10 men to sweep into Missouri and spring Underground Railroad operator John Doy from jail. An early Lawrence, Kansas Territory, settler and dedicated abolitionist, ...