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Hard Crackers Issue 6

The Dead Guy

T.J. Morehouse


It’s an easily forgettable stretch of Ventura Boulevard. Deep in the valley. We live up on the hill. Some actress on KTLA reported that 100% of all self-service touch screens and shopping cart handles in the ...

The Grammar of Loneliness

Curtis Price


When the elderly woman spoke to me after I said “hi” outside our apartment complex’s communal laundromat, her words tumbled out with the unmistakable grammar of terrible loneliness. She had a slightly anxious, furtive look, as ...

Mamma Cheese

Ron Chism


It was always a gamble going somewhere with Mamma Cheese.  She was light-skinned.  The white women disliked her because they thought that she thought that she was “as good” as them.  But the black women disliked her because they thought ...

Daddy Cheese refuses

Ron Chism


My dad, Nathaniel Spain Chism, whom we all called Daddy Cheese, or just Cheese, told the following story.  He got drafted and went into the Navy.  But he ended up in the brig–in prison.  Why?  The ...

Another Person’s Shoes

Gifford Hartman


In 2005 I was hired by a non-profit in San Mateo County to design and teach classes in a combined English as a Second Language and Family Literacy program in the community room of a low-income ...

In memoriam: Joffre Stewart

Max G. Bernard


Devastated. My long time friend Joffre Stewart has died. Joffre, a long time anarchist and pacifist (after serving in the military during World War 2) was a poet and was referred to in Allen Ginsberg’s Howl. ...

World of Interconnected Strangers

Curtis Price


As I parked, I heard a tap on my window. The tap came from a neighbor from the building next door, a 40-ish African-American man with an unfashionable, immaculately coifed Afro and John Lennon-style glasses, radiating ...

David Ranney “Living and Dying on the Factory Floor” Upcoming NYC Book Tour

Noel Ignatiev


Hard Crackers is excited to co-sponsor a series of talks with David Ranney about his new book. Recently, Jarrod Shanahan caught up with David Ranney to discuss his book and the important lessons for today. Check ...

Morbid Symptoms, Part II: Attack on Rikers Island

Noel Ignatiev


This is the second of six reviews chronicling the pseudonymous Fred S. Kreider’s Rikers Island Series, a horror franchise set on present-day Rikers Island. In the first installment we met narrator Nicholas Billings, a rookie guard ...