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Friday the 1312: A Review of “Body Cam”

Jarrod Shanahan


It’s a dark and stormy night in Swinton, Louisiana. Officer Kevin Ganning shakes off the rain as he enters a dingy diner ensconced in the ambience of gritty cop noir. He is not welcomed. The black ...

The Big Takeover

Jarrod Shanahan


On January 6th a determined mob from across the United States descended on Washington, D.C. They rumbled with police, overturned barricades, breached the perimeter of the United States Capitol, and smashed their way into the building ...

Thankful for President Trump: Thanksgiving with Stop the Steal

Jarrod Shanahan


On Thanksgiving morning supporters of President Trump’s doomed reelection effort descended on the Loop neighborhood of Chicago to raise the battle cry “Stop the Steal!” The “steal” in this tortured locution is the purported Democratic Party ...

The Show Must Go On

Jarrod Shanahan


“It’s so great that we are all together in one place,” a middle-aged white woman gushed, almost directly in my ear. “Trump was sent by God!” I had other theories, but she was right about one ...


The Everyday Abolitionism of 13 Reasons Why

Jarrod Shanahan


It’s an all-too-familiar scene. An alienated young man named named Tyler Down approaches a school clad in black, strapped with guns and ammunition, and bent on cold-blooded mass murder. But unlike the tragedies making headlines across ...