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The African Blood Brotherhood and The Short-Lived Civil War in Tulsa

James Murray


For several weeks now crews from around the country have been in Tulsa with highly-specialized “ground-penetrating radar” searching for “mass graves” associated with the events of 1921. I and a few others doubted very much if ...


El Royale

James Murray


It’s another hot Tuesday so I stop at a bar after work. It’s only a few miles from where I grew up but I haven’t been in the place in at least twenty-five years. A George ...


Defining Hard Crackers: From the Editors

James Murray


1. Modern American society is a ticking time-bomb where an impending social explosion is hinted at by everyday violence of all kinds— the abuse of children; physical and sexual attacks by men against women, against other ...


Border Radios

James Murray


With fears of an invasion which would cause disease outbreaks, school over-crowding, crime and wage deflation, the borders of California were sealed in 1936. In the preceding years of Depression California had already absorbed hundreds of ...


Devon Arthurs

James Murray


Inspired by the writings of James Mason, Atomwaffen was formed as a national socialist vanguard. In its short history it has already been connected to violent crimes and murders across the country.  In May of last ...


An excerpt from ‘If He Hollers Let Him Go,’ by Chester Himes, 1945

James Murray


posted by James Murray   “…but as far as the problem of the Negro industrial worker is concerned, I feel that it is not so much racial as it is the problem of the masses. As ...


Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock

James Murray


The Black Lives Matter movement has caused great fear and loathing in white people across the country. Police administrators have referred to them as terrorists and claimed to be “At war,” with BLM members or those ...

Thoughts on Dallas and Baton Rouge

James Murray


By James Murray The American liberal-left have almost universally condemned the recent martyrdom operations (I don’t know what else to call them) that occurred in Dallas and Baton Rouge. Such actions set back ‘the movement,’ we ...