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Oh What a Lovely War

John Garvey


The “solemn” commemorations in Paris on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that finally put an end to the horrific bloodshed that had drowned Europe for just over the four years from 1914 ...


Breaking the Glass Ceiling: The confirmation of Gina Haspel as head of the CIA

Noel Ignatiev


“The Fifty Percent Solution… an equal demand in the army and national guard, state troopers, sheriffs, and among the ranks of prosecuting attorneys. Why stop there? How about a movement for women’s revolutionary right to drop ...


KILL, KILL, KILL: Reflections on Gaza

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev A 1983 film, WarGames, opens with an American pilot in the cockpit getting an order to launch a missile strike in retaliation for a Soviet attack on the U.S. Instead of carrying out ...


Army having difficulty recruiting

Noel Ignatiev


Facing low recruitment levels, the U.S. Army quietly lifted its ban on allowing people with a history of mental illness, self-mutilation and drug abuse to serve in the military – despite warnings from the industry about ...


A Carnival of Inclusion

Noel Ignatiev


The Democratic National Convention was a carnival of inclusion: black, white, gay, straight, Christians, Jews, Muslims, cis-gendered and transgendered—all joined in proclaiming that “nothing can be wrong if it keeps our country strong” (with the implied ...