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To Make New England Go Red

Tanzeem Ajmiri


As I switched tabs on my computer back and forth between the documentary on Ancient Egypt and the election night results, my phone buzzed. It was my cousin informing me that Trump was leading in Rhode ...


Rehearsals (Clowns Included)

John Garvey


A couple of weeks ago, an author named Jack Luna explored the significance of the Trump-supporting car/truck and boat parades on Labor Day: “With images of raucous white Americans on parade freshly troubling me, I kept ...


The Show Must Go On

Jarrod Shanahan


“It’s so great that we are all together in one place,” a middle-aged white woman gushed, almost directly in my ear. “Trump was sent by God!” I had other theories, but she was right about one ...


The Shebeen

Mike Morgan


Here’s a bit of a lingo lesson.  A shebeen, according to Wikipedia, is an illegal establishment (in Ireland, Scotland and South Africa) that specializes in the sale of distilled alcoholic beverages and is typically regarded as ...


What are we supposed to do in Brooklyn?

Mike Morgan


“Do Nothing Until You Hear From Me, And You Never Will” – Duke Ellington It is patently obvious that America is screwing up royally on the COVID-19 plague.  Essentially the leadership, whether it be de Blasio, ...

Politics from a Baby Boomer

Tanzeem Ajmiri


In March of this year, a Hard Crackers correspondent took a trip to New Hampshire to visit a friend. It was her first time being in a place that was majority white and she was interested ...


What is the American Ruling Class Up To?

Hard Crackers Editors


More importantly, how might we respond?– A Hard Crackers Roundtable Series  John: Let me begin with what is probably obvious.  The last several weeks have witnessed an extraordinary explosion of protests, of just about every imaginable variety, ...

DOWNFALL! Trump in the Bunker

Mike Morgan


The image of the clot Trump being whisked by Secret Service agents into the White House underground bunker last Friday night (May 29th) to avoid the protests is a satirist’s dream come true.   Excuse me for ...

Cats, Rats and Bats: Dick Whittington’s Cat, Rat Infestations and the Trump Quackery

Mike Morgan


At the foot of Highgate Hill in North London is a statue of Dick Whittington’s cat.  The Dick Whittington story is a part of English folklore.  It has been embellished over the centuries, and re-enacted through ...


The Death President

John Garvey


Four presidents of the United States have been assassinated: Abraham Lincoln (1864), James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy (1963).  An additional fourteen presidents are considered to have been the targets of assassination attempts.  Keep ...