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Editors’ Roundtable

Hard Crackers Editors


The shooting at Douglas High School in Parkland prompted an exchange among our editors, which we are publishing here. To begin, three items: The first is from the Hard Crackers mission statement carried in every issue: ...

Lift Every Voice

Noel Ignatiev


From a new book by Imani Perry, A History of the Black National Anthem “By asserting the cross-cultural and multigenre and style collage of black formalist rituals, I, like [Ralph] Ellison, am disagreeing with a good ...


A Carnival of Inclusion

Noel Ignatiev


The Democratic National Convention was a carnival of inclusion: black, white, gay, straight, Christians, Jews, Muslims, cis-gendered and transgendered—all joined in proclaiming that “nothing can be wrong if it keeps our country strong” (with the implied ...