Category Archive for:

Pop Culture


Mike Morgan


When I was a young teenager, the local Catholic parish, The Church of the Holy Trinity, would sponsor what they called a Friday Night Social.  This was held at the Norwegian Hall, right across from the ...


“Phillip My Dear”: The Mighty Sparrow Turns 85

Mike Morgan


In the early 1980s when I was cabbing for a living, there was a NYC radio station that devoted all of its Sunday programming to reggae and calypso music. The deejays knew their stuff, and they ...


The Unenviable Task of Explaining How The Punisher is Actually Cool

Nate McDonough


Just so you know, this isn’t gonna be a ‘WOW THE PUNISHER IS COOL, YOU REMEMBER THE TIME HE RENTED A JETSKI?!’ sort of comics piece. It’s mostly just an anti-cop polemic. ACAB. Anyways, let’s get started. ...

The Blood on the Bricks: On Reform, Characters & The Iron City House Rockers

Mike Morgan


First off, I want to encourage all readers to check out the new Matthew Lyons essay in the publication Three Way Fight on the ruling class strategies towards insurgency. Matthew explores the carrot and stick approach to ...

“Who the Hell is They?” On Two of the Sam Peckinpah Western Films

Mike Morgan


This is a film commentary (two films, in fact).  What follows might be perceived as a distraction, but I don’t think so.  I have been watching the now considered old Sam Peckinpah westerns in between copious ...

Tiger King: Quarantine Royalty

Hard Crackers Editors


Zhana: Netflix’s Tiger King has become essential quarantine viewing. I was first made aware of the docuseries by my students. Like many schools around the nation, we have transitioned to online learning. For our first zoom ...

Coronavirus and Conspiracy

Tanzeem Ajmiri


It was day three of my self-imposed Rona virus (shout out to Black Twitter) quarantine and it was clear that sitting in my underwear scrolling through Facebook was quickly becoming my life. Between the apocalyptic posts ...

About Uncle Toms

Ron Chism


I was at the family home, on 92nd.  I was ranting and raving, calling certain black leaders “Uncle Toms.”  My dad, who was just a plain working-class carpenter, got angry and said, “Boy, what the HELL ...


Talking about the Green Book

Ron Chism


Back in the day, black entertainers could not stay in hotels when they came to Chicago to perform.  At our family home at 9201 S. Perry, once Dick Gregory rang the bell.  WOW!!  I happened to ...

Purging with Marie Kondo: The Lack of Joy in Middle-Class American Households

Zhandarka Kurti


I am captivated by America’s fascination with Marie Kondo. Named Time’s most influential person, Kondo is a 34-year old Japanese millennial (or xennial is it?) and professional home organizer whose books have sold millions of copies. Over ...