Category Archive for:


Heroism in Gaza

Jack D.


“For every second of time was the strait gate through which the Messiah might enter.” —Walter Benjamin We witnessed recently the most heroic collective act that we can expect to see in our lifetimes, but it ...


Into the Flood: Interview with a Palestinian-American Activist

Hard Crackers Editors


As events in Gaza rapidly unfold, Hard Crackers spoke with Noor Salah, a Palestinian-American activist living in the United States.  Hard Crackers: Tell us about yourself. Noor Salah: I’m Palestinian-American, first generation born in the United ...


Zionism, Antisemitism, and the People of Palestine

Noel Ignatiev


The following essay is based on a talk that Noel Ignatiev delivered in March 2004 at the Massachusetts College of Arts. Despite being nearly 20 years old, this text is nonetheless absolutely relevant because it provides ...


A Glimpse of Nablus

Jenny Morgan


I probably won’t live long enough to bring into being a film I’ve thought about making in Nablus, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, from the time the Women’s Press sent a preview copy of Palestinian poet ...


KILL, KILL, KILL: Reflections on Gaza

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev A 1983 film, WarGames, opens with an American pilot in the cockpit getting an order to launch a missile strike in retaliation for a Soviet attack on the U.S. Instead of carrying out ...


Unity – At Whose Cost?

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev The Palestinian American Women’s Association announced that it would boycott the January 20 Women’s March in Los Angeles. The announcement came after Scarlett Johannson was confirmed as a “Special Guest speaker” at the ...