Category Archive for:

George Floyd Rebellion

DOWNFALL! Trump in the Bunker

Mike Morgan


This piece originally ran on June 3, 2020 and is one of a series of Trump-related articles we're republishing. The image of the clot Trump being whisked by Secret Service agents into the White House underground bunker last Friday night (May 29th) to avoid the protests is a satirist’s dream come true.   Excuse me for letting fly here. What first comes to mind is the German 2004 film Downfall.  It chronicles the last days of Hitler, Eva Braun, and the top surviving Nazi henchmen (including Josef Goebbels and his entire family) in the Berlin Bunker. 

Friday the 1312: A Review of “Body Cam”

Jarrod Shanahan


It’s a dark and stormy night in Swinton, Louisiana. Officer Kevin Ganning shakes off the rain as he enters a dingy diner ensconced in the ambience of gritty cop noir. He is not welcomed. The black ...

Fanon, Floyd, and Me



It is one thing to hold a sign that says “abolish the police;” it is another to burn the 3rd Precinct down. As a non-Black arrivant Muslim, I was inserted into a field of politics I ...

COVID, protest, and now fire: Portland at a tipping point

Peter Little


The past four months in Portland have felt like nature doling out warning slaps, demonstrating the fragility of all of our systems. In the midst of years of far right groups mobilizing and marching in the ...

In the Eye of the Storm: A Report from Kenosha

Fran, JF and Lane


What’s so simple in the moonlight by the morning never is.  -Bright Eyes The night of the shooting, bands of armed white men dotted the landscape before we even arrived in Kenosha. Police roadblocks along I-94 ...

Roundtable Discussion II on the Anti-Police Brutality Insurgency

Hard Crackers Editors


Can a movement be built that relies upon different forms of action without being substantially limited by the political views that perhaps inform the least militant of the protestors?  Importantly, young people, frequently including teenagers, have ...

Killing Time

Tim Bruno


You can hear a sulking refrain from some corners of the internet lately, usually from armchair revolutionaries, celebrity leftists, or just the “extremely online”: the militant phase of the 2020 uprising against police terror is over—liberal ...

“WTF is Going on in Portland Right Now?”: A Report

Pete Little


This is a long attempt to offer some insights into the question I keep getting: WTF is going on in Portland right now? I assume I’m not alone in believing that the current wave of protest ...

What is the American Ruling Class Up To?

Hard Crackers Editors


More importantly, how might we respond?– A Hard Crackers Roundtable Series  John: Let me begin with what is probably obvious.  The last several weeks have witnessed an extraordinary explosion of protests, of just about every imaginable variety, ...

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: On The Demolition of the Symbols

Mike Morgan


When we see something that we are used to seeing being taken away or changed, we tend to pay special attention.  In this recent upsurge against police violence, the protestors have been advocating for the removal ...
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