Category Archive for:

Everyday Life

“It felt like the world stopped”: A Hasidic Jew’s perspective on COVID-19 in Brooklyn

Ben Lorber


Recently, much controversy has arisen regarding Orthodox Jewish communities in NYC and the COVID-19 virus. Early in the pandemic, a media narrative emerged that Orthodox communities in Brooklyn neighborhoods were disproportionately violating social distancing measures. Many ...


ON THE TB WARD: A few stories of lungs

Jenny Morgan


When I was being treated for TB in the old St Mary’s Hospital on Harrow Road in London – this was in 1972, a long time ago – the nurses used to give the patients a ...

“They Wouldn’t Be Able to Deal With an Outbreak”: A View From Inside an Arizona Women’s Prison

Andrea Portillo


Earlier this month, Andrea Portillo, an inmate at Perryville State Prison in Arizona, shared her experience with postpartum psychosis with Hard Crackers. She tells us what it’s like inside her facility during the pandemic. What is ...

Silver Lining Time

John Garvey


I just got off the phone with one of my daughters.  She’s a math teacher in a public middle school here in New York and has to try to teach her 100 plus sixth and eighth ...

Crisis on top of crisis in Kensington

James Stephens


During this COVID-19 crisis, probably many of us have had moments where we have thought, “Oh, shit, what’s going to happen when coronavirus spreads to (fill in the blank)? We have worried about those who fill ...

The Guessing Game

Mike Morgan


Every now and so often, we are reminded of how much the inexact art of prediction dominates all facets of American society. The numbers that are crunched by non-humans (computers) find their way into reports and ...

Warding off Loneliness at Walmart: the Misadventures of a Former Urbanite

Zhandarka Kurti


Since my move to Tennessee besides acclimating to my new job, my life has revolved around ordering items on Amazon Prime, swiping left on Tinder and driving to the local Walmart Supercenter. Tennessee ranks eighth in ...


Harlem Homecoming

Salim Washington


By Salim Washington *The following originally appeared as a Facebook post.* I got in late the night before last and walked the streets of my old neighborhood, mainly in search of a meal and some snacks ...


Notes from Beirut

Greg Burris


My favorite revolutionary pastime is just sitting in the Egg. For those unfamiliar with Beirut, the Egg is a strange, dilapidated structure in the middle of downtown Beirut. Once upon a time, it was a cinema, ...


The Eviction

Curtis Price


It’s that time of the month again and the Sheriffs are here because evictions are starting. Alabama law requires a Sheriff to be physically present during an eviction and today, the Sheriffs lounge in the oppressive ...