Category Archive for:

Everyday Life

Comix notes around Covid-19

Barthélémy Schwartz


I started these “comix notes around Covid-19” at the beginning of the pandemic in France. It wasn’t about finding fun situations in a very dramatic situation, but to offer remarks and thoughts on what’s happening to ...

Stay Safe – A Short Take On Language In These Times

Mike Morgan


I was sitting on the local benches with a handful of my pals last Sunday, masked up, pulling on a Crisp Pilsener and shooting the shit.  I raised the question about the various crises, in particular ...

We’re Cooking with Gas, Brother

Mike Morgan


My brother-in-law Norms responded to my recent Shebeen article in Hard Crackers with his own story.  I want to tell it and a little more.  Norms lives with his wife in the Walmer neighborhood of Port ...

Mask down, fists up: a day at work in the library

James Stephens


Like most workers, I don’t wake up in the morning thinking I’m going to get swung at while at my job. I’m a librarian, not a professional boxer or an MMA fighter. But on a Monday ...

It’s All About Me

Joshua Machlin


One of these things is not like the other: a marriage collapses – a global pandemic takes hold. That’s what I tried to tell myself as I nosed at my overturned life like a furtive lizard ...


Killing Time

Tim Bruno


You can hear a sulking refrain from some corners of the internet lately, usually from armchair revolutionaries, celebrity leftists, or just the “extremely online”: the militant phase of the 2020 uprising against police terror is over—liberal ...

Evictions = Death

Zhandarka Kurti


Yesterday morning, two masked protestors dropped a banner from the roof of the New Orleans First City Court. It read: “Evictions = Death” Locking arms and banging on pots and pans, protestors blocked people, some of ...

But what’s the moral of the story?

John Garvey


On Friday, July 10th, it rained hard all day in Brooklyn.  Come mid-afternoon, we decided we needed some stuff from the nearby supermarket.  Because it was pouring, I took our car.  As I left the house, ...


What are we supposed to do in Brooklyn?

Mike Morgan


“Do Nothing Until You Hear From Me, And You Never Will” – Duke Ellington It is patently obvious that America is screwing up royally on the COVID-19 plague.  Essentially the leadership, whether it be de Blasio, ...


EB Cruelly


As the murder of George Floyd set the streets alight, revelers in New York City lit up the night skies with volleys of fireworks smuggled in from out of state. The celebration seemed fitting — the ...