Category Archive for:

Everyday Life

Onward, Christian Soldiers!

David Ranney


๏ปฟA few weeks ago I received two letters in the mail. They were addressed to me by name and sent to my address on Washington Island, WI. One was from former Vice President of the U.S., ...

Olive Groves and Desert Tortoises

Gus Breslauer


I once lived in a desert, over 10 years ago. The Southern Californian desert changed me. I have never considered the swamplands of the gulf coast to be a forgiving land, but the urban environment has ...

How Did I Get Here?, part 3: Iowa City Activism in the 1970s

David Ranney


The following is the third in a series of three excerpts from David Ranney’s longer piece “Reflections: Well, How Did I Get Here?” After leaving graduate school in 1966, I entered what I have called my ...

How Did I Get Here?, part 2: Rudy

David Ranney


The following is the second in a series of three excerpts from David Ranney’s longer piece “Reflections: Well, How Did I Get Here?” Prior to going away to college, my interaction with Black people had been ...

How Did I Get Here?, part 1: On My Futile Attempt to Become a High School Athlete

David Ranney


What follows is an excerpt from a longer piece that explores how a red, white and blue diaper baby, raised by conservative Republican parents in a largely conservative Republican and all white suburb in a conservative ...

Lessons from Rosemarie: My 25 years in Brooklyn

Theodore Hamm


โ€œKeep going down Atlantic, then hang a left at Bedford,โ€ advised the lot attendant, a white guy in his 60s, as my pal Patrick and I dropped off a U-Haul truck at the corner of Flatbush ...


Some War Stories โ€“ with Don Hamerquist & Janeen Porter

Mike Morgan


On the Release of A Brilliant Red Thread by Don Hamerquist ย 06/21/23, Presentation at Brooklyn Book Event It has been my privilege to know and work with Don Hamerquist and his partner Janeen Porter for a ...

5 Seconds

Darien Belemu


5 seconds give or take. Thatโ€™s all that is required for Alec Baldwin to disrupt your life. It was a normal day. I had stepped inside the corporate pharmacy to purchase a feminine hygiene product for ...


Bye Bye Metrocard — A Eulogy to New Yorkโ€™s Golden Ticket

A.M. Gittlitz


Part of living in New York is accepting the brutality of rapid change with a cynical shrug as all you love and depend on vanish to make way for something almost certainly worse. Over the past ...


The Last Bailout

Brad Archer


It was Samโ€™s last day with Bail Out Oklahoma, and he felt both relieved and somber walking down the corridor leading to C7 the final time. Ralph the Roach, the long dead and desiccated unofficial mascot ...


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