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Stick-up on Rikers Island

David Campbell


It started with the phones. A few minutes before 9:30 on Saturday morning, mid-conversation with wives, children, friends, and lawyers, the lines all went dead. This was March 22nd. Visits had been suspended a week prior, ...


“When Your Home Turns into a Prison”: Former Prisoner Reflects on Life Under Coronavirus Lockdown

Hard Crackers Editors


Ronald Owens, aka “Cornbread,” lives in Lynn, Massachusetts. He spent 13 years in a Massachusetts maximum security prison, where he and Noel Ignatiev met in 1996 as pen pals. They remained close friends ever since. What ...


Silver Lining Time

John Garvey


I just got off the phone with one of my daughters.  She’s a math teacher in a public middle school here in New York and has to try to teach her 100 plus sixth and eighth ...

Crisis on top of crisis in Kensington

James Stephens


During this COVID-19 crisis, probably many of us have had moments where we have thought, “Oh, shit, what’s going to happen when coronavirus spreads to (fill in the blank)? We have worried about those who fill ...

The Death President

John Garvey


Four presidents of the United States have been assassinated: Abraham Lincoln (1864), James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy (1963).  An additional fourteen presidents are considered to have been the targets of assassination attempts.  Keep ...


The Guessing Game

Mike Morgan


Every now and so often, we are reminded of how much the inexact art of prediction dominates all facets of American society. The numbers that are crunched by non-humans (computers) find their way into reports and ...

Underlying Conditions

John Garvey


We’ve all become used to what doctors and other experts on the cable news shows say—people with underlying conditions are much more vulnerable to the COVID 19 virus and are in much greater danger of becoming seriously ...

Agenda for a New Generation



The COVID-19 crisis is the most calamitous global event any living person can recall. Millions of cases worldwide have claimed over 150,000 lives as epidemiologists predict far more mayhem before the virus is under control. The ...

An NYC Doctor’s Life During COVID-19

Spencer Merlis


“I’m not heroic. I was never planning to be.” A 30-something year old New York City doctor gives an account of how COVID-19 has affected her life at work and home. The edited interview took place ...


Angola Prisoners Say: “This is a war – and we’re in it”

CJ LeBlanc


CJ LeBlanc is a journalist who writes primarily about issues related to criminal justice in the Deep South and seeks opportunities to amplify marginalized voices. In this short piece, CJ LeBlanc shares with us the communiques ...