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Fighting Books for a New Fighting Generation

Hard Crackers Editors


We recently sat down with four of the people involved in the revitalization of the Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company to talk about the re-emergence of the company, the new books that have either just been ...


โ€œLike Hell on Earth:โ€ former steelworker shares reflections, reviews Finally Got the News and Noel Ignatievโ€™s Acceptable Men

My friend Bill retired to Bisbee after working in the Detroit steel mills for decades. When I got my copy of Noel Ignatievโ€™s Acceptable Men: Life in the Largest Steel Mill in the World, I shared ...


Returning to Lovecraft

Chad Manburg


โ€œThat is not deadย which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.โ€ โ€” H.P.L. NOTE: Contains minor spoilers. Donโ€™t get me wrong โ€” I used to devour books and enjoyed other genres besides ...

Bigfoot Cop and the End of Policing

Jarrod Shanahan


โ€œGoddamnit, Bigfoot!โ€ fumes the Portland police chief. โ€œHow many goddamn times do I have to tell you that you canโ€™t go around pulling off peopleโ€™s arms, smashing goddamn cars, killing suspects โ€“ and goddamn civilians โ€“ ...


Growing old in โ€œpost-recessionโ€ America

Zhandarka Kurti


Like so many other children of aging parents, I will at some point assume the responsibility of looking after my mom. Her Social Security benefits are insufficient for her to live on and she relies on ...

The Revolutionary Moment

Noel Ignatiev


What brings the revolutionary moment? I am not referring to the political struggle that takes place within every mass movementโ€”unions or workersโ€™ councils, soviets or provisional government, abolition or free-soil, black power or civil rights, etc.โ€”but ...


Bookstore adventures

Matt Capri


From 1992 to 1998 I worked at a large independent bookstore. Mostly I worked in the store room. They started me on paperback literature which was a mess. My task was to alphabetize and stack the ...


David Ranney “Living and Dying on the Factory Floor” Upcoming NYC Book Tour

Noel Ignatiev


Hard Crackers is excited to co-sponsor a series of talks with David Ranney about his new book. Recently, Jarrod Shanahan caught up with David Ranney to discuss his book and the important lessons for today. Check ...


Morbid Symptoms, Part II: Attack on Rikers Island

Noel Ignatiev


This is the second of six reviews chronicling the pseudonymous Fred S. Kreiderโ€™s Rikers Island Series, a horror franchise set on present-day Rikers Island. In the first installment we met narrator Nicholas Billings, a rookie guard ...


Bitterly Divided

Noel Ignatiev


The best-kept secret in U.S. history is the resistance of southerners, and especially southern nonslaveholding whites, to the slaveholders during the Civil War. W.E.B. Du Bois, in the chapter โ€œThe General Strikeโ€ in Black Reconstruction in ...