Category Archive for:

Black Lives Matter

The Fire Down Below

Hard Crackers Editors


The popular saying is “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”  It is often used to explain the reasons for a rumor, or to describe another firearm metaphor “the smoking gun” (the hidden truth that will blow the ...

“An Injury to One is an Injury to All” A Minneapolis Bus Driver on Solidarity with Minneapolis Protesters 

Hard Crackers Editors


Adam is a bus driver in Minneapolis and a member of ATU Local 1005 and Socialist Alternative MN. In the midst of the ongoing protests in Minneapolis, he made the decision to refuse police officers’ request ...

“Enough is Enough!” A Letter from Ramsey Orta

Hard Crackers Editors


“These DOCCS employees working under the color of law with a badge of authority from the State of New York, knowingly and maliciously engage in criminal activity with state sanctioned impunity from acting Commissioner of DOCCS, ...

In Plain Sight (if we looked)

John Garvey


For the past couple of months, we’ve been seeing news reports and ads that tell us: “We’re all in this together” and “We’re strong” and “We’ll never forget our heroes”.  Most of the reports and ads ...

Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock

James Murray


The Black Lives Matter movement has caused great fear and loathing in white people across the country. Police administrators have referred to them as terrorists and claimed to be “At war,” with BLM members or those ...

Some Bullshit

Jarrod Shanahan


In late December, 2014 the New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association coordinated a work slowdown that effectively brought street-level policing to a halt in New York City.For the previous month, diffuse direct actions that would come to ...