Category Archive for:

Black Lives Matter

Thankful for President Trump: Thanksgiving with Stop the Steal

Jarrod Shanahan


This piece was originally published on November 29, 2020 and is one of a series of Trump-related articles we're republishing. On Thanksgiving morning supporters of President Trump’s doomed reelection effort descended on the Loop neighborhood of Chicago to raise the battle cry “Stop the Steal!” The “steal” in this tortured locution is the purported Democratic Party theft of the November presidential election, chronicled in a convoluted conspiracy theory that one conservative federal judge recently compared to “Frankenstein’s Monster,” as it is “haphazardly stitched together.”

The Fireworks: On Rumor and Counter-Revolution (After Jean Genet)

Tim Bruno


If, after the first months of quarantine, someone had ventured outside to join the protests against the police and their state, that person might have heard stray chirping about bad actors, provocateurs, ops. Who else, the ...

“Tell Everyone”: Candyman Redux for 2021

This article contains spoilers. It’s a dinner party in a two-story luxury condo in Chicago’s Near North side. Floor to ceiling windows and state-of-the-art amenities adorn the two-story unit, home to successful art agent Brianna Cartwright ...

Eric Garner, the Informal Economy, and the System’s War on Those Who Depend On It

Paul Wasserman


When Eric Garner was murdered by New York City police in July 2014, the cops had targeted him on suspicion of selling “loosies” – single cigarettes taken from illegally untaxed cigarette packs. Witnesses claimed that Garner ...

Thankful for President Trump: Thanksgiving with Stop the Steal

Jarrod Shanahan


On Thanksgiving morning supporters of President Trump’s doomed reelection effort descended on the Loop neighborhood of Chicago to raise the battle cry “Stop the Steal!” The “steal” in this tortured locution is the purported Democratic Party ...

“I experienced a lot of violent shit and never once did it cross my mind to call the police”: A conversation with STiCKii and ShaeShae

Hard Crackers Editors


Having spent the last decade organizing against police violence and for queer youth of color in Springfield, MA, STiCKii and ShaeShae break down their thoughts on the protests against police violence. STiCKii: My dad was black ...

Killing Time

Tim Bruno


You can hear a sulking refrain from some corners of the internet lately, usually from armchair revolutionaries, celebrity leftists, or just the “extremely online”: the militant phase of the 2020 uprising against police terror is over—liberal ...

Running Toward the New World

James Stephens


I am a runner. I am not fast. I don’t compete save for a few odd races here and there, and I’m not really competing in those except against myself. I’m not much for group runs ...

The Unenviable Task of Explaining How The Punisher is Actually Cool

Nate McDonough


Just so you know, this isn’t gonna be a ‘WOW THE PUNISHER IS COOL, YOU REMEMBER THE TIME HE RENTED A JETSKI?!’ sort of comics piece. It’s mostly just an anti-cop polemic. ACAB. Anyways, let’s get started. ...


Hard Crackers Editors


On the Outside Agitators Question Governors, Mayors, Police Chiefs, and many network TV journalists with their security experts are all set on promoting the idea that the uncontainable sectors of the enormous protests that are engulfing ...
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