Author Archive for:

Hard Crackers

Noel Ignatiev


Issue number 3 of Hard Crackers is now available. Go to for contents, sample articles and information on how to order.


The way to defend free speech is to exercise it

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev As probably everyone reading this knows, Professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor has canceled her West Coast tour following threats to her life stimulated by FOX news reports of a talk she gave at Hampshire College ...


Thoughts on the present situation

Noel Ignatiev


by Noel Ignatiev Trump represents a greater danger to the domination of neoliberal global capital than Sanders did, and its representatives are coming to appreciate that.   Notwithstanding the sentiments of many participants, the “Women’s March” ...



Noel Ignatiev


In declaring Trump’s presidency illegitimate, Representative John Lewis opened a discussion that may go beyond what he had in mind. Lewis based his statement on the supposed role of Russian hacking in determining the outcome of ...


Abolitionism: A Study Guide

Noel Ignatiev


Abolitionism: a Study Guide   By John Garvey and Noel Ignatiev   We think it would be useful to study American abolitionism as a home-grown radical movement launched in inauspicious times. To further that end, we have ...

CLR James on Abolitionism

Noel Ignatiev


To read or download the file, click on the image below. At the top of the lightbox that pops open there is a rotate button.

Lesson of the Hour: Introduction

Noel Ignatiev


Lesson of the Hour: Introduction   By Noel Ignatiev   During the winter of 1860−61, as South Carolina and other states responded to Lincoln’s election by announcing their intention to secede, the great Abolitionist Wendell Phillips ...

Smashing Kittens

Noel Ignatiev


By now many people have seen Donald Trump’s mocking imitation of The New York Times reporter who suffers from a disabling ailment that prevents him from using his arms fully and who asked Trump a question ...


Garrison and the 2016 Election

Noel Ignatiev


A friend recently called my attention to an article by William Lloyd Garrison, “On the Constitution and the Union,” in The Liberator, Dec. 29, 1832. Here is the link:   Garrison made several points:   ...

A Carnival of Inclusion

Noel Ignatiev


The Democratic National Convention was a carnival of inclusion: black, white, gay, straight, Christians, Jews, Muslims, cis-gendered and transgendered—all joined in proclaiming that “nothing can be wrong if it keeps our country strong” (with the implied ...