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William Carlos Williams: Poet of the Left

William Carlos Williams: Poet of the Left

Ciarán O’Rourke


Often presented by literary critics as a liberal with paternalistic instincts towards the working poor, poet William Carlos Williams was in fact one of the most exuberantly left-wing poets of his generation.

Berlin as a Community Space vs. Berlin as a Business: A Discussion with Jolene Saint

Jarrod Shanahan


Late last year, Chicago’s beloved queer nightspot Berlin closed its doors amid a controversial union drive. I was first drawn to this editorial in the Chicago Tribune by a prominent photo of my friend Marten Katze, dismayed to find, however, that this powerful image image was appended to a childish anti-worker screed. I decided to speak with a Berlin union organizer and get the workers’ side of the story. 
On Political Reppresion

On Political Repression: A Hard Crackers Discussion with Michael Deutsch

John Garvey and Mike Morgan


Michael Deutsch is an experienced human rights attorney in the U.S., perhaps one of the most veteran and well-informed lawyers at that extremely difficult craft in this country.  Michael graciously allowed us at Hard Crackers to pick his brains and share some of his experiences with us.

Treason to Zionism is Loyalty to Humanity

John Garvey


In this essay, I’m going to argue that the continuing opposition to Israel’s war on Gaza should be centrally grounded in a determined opposition to the whole Zionist project. No sympathies for any variant of Zionism ...

What Eisenhower Told Ben-Gurion

John Garvey


In 1956, Israel, in cooperation with Britain and France invaded the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula. They were overly confident that they would not be stopped. “Then the roof fell in.” Eisenhower, the US President, ...

Interview with One Democratic State Initiative

Hard Crackers Editors


Introduction The One Democratic State Initiative (ODSI) represents a distinctive political position in the struggle for the liberation of Palestine. We are reasonably sure that other individuals and perhaps organizations, that we don’t know about, hold ...