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Social Forces and Me

Jonah Raskin


When my beat up 2009 Jetta with 70, 000 miles was stolen on the street in front of the apartment building where I live, I felt isolated, alone and a victim. It was the big impersonal ...

Eric Garner, the Informal Economy, and the System’s War on Those Who Depend On It

Paul Wasserman


When Eric Garner was murdered by New York City police in July 2014, the cops had targeted him on suspicion of selling “loosies” – single cigarettes taken from illegally untaxed cigarette packs. Witnesses claimed that Garner ...

And the Wrecking Ball Best of All!

Matt Capri


My temp assignment as the inmate law librarian of a county jail promised to be an encounter with the unknown. Up until that point I’d worked in many different kinds of libraries, but this was the ...

On the Anniversary of Elvis Presley’s Death

Mike Morgan


I was born in 1955, right around the time that Elvis Presley broke out in Memphis, Tennessee.  Throughout my childhood, Elvis was an essential feature, a guiding light.  I grew up with The Rolling Stones, Bob ...