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Vaccine Miseries

John Garvey


It all seemed so very hopeful when the cable channels were breathlessly reporting on the initial shipments of the Pfizer vaccine in the middle of December.  Remember the reports of the big UPS and FedEx trucks ...

My first reading glasses

James Stephens


Just after the New Year, I picked up my first pair of reading glasses at the Family Dollar around the block from my house. It wasn’t part of a New Year’s resolution; in fact, it was ...

The Thames Delta is Our Backyard: On Wilko Johnson

Mike Morgan


Bang! – The Unstoppable Force Meets the Immoveable Object From Oil City Confidential I’m listening to the latest Wilko Johnson record called Blow Your Mind.  A few years before that, I listened a lot to his ...

The Big Takeover

Jarrod Shanahan


On January 6th a determined mob from across the United States descended on Washington, D.C. They rumbled with police, overturned barricades, breached the perimeter of the United States Capitol, and smashed their way into the building ...