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Evictions = Death

Zhandarka Kurti


Yesterday morning, two masked protestors dropped a banner from the roof of the New Orleans First City Court. It read: “Evictions = Death” Locking arms and banging on pots and pans, protestors blocked people, some of ...

“Phillip My Dear”: The Mighty Sparrow Turns 85

Mike Morgan


In the early 1980s when I was cabbing for a living, there was a NYC radio station that devoted all of its Sunday programming to reggae and calypso music. The deejays knew their stuff, and they ...

“WTF is Going on in Portland Right Now?”: A Report

Pete Little


This is a long attempt to offer some insights into the question I keep getting: WTF is going on in Portland right now? I assume I’m not alone in believing that the current wave of protest ...

Running Toward the New World

James Stephens


I am a runner. I am not fast. I don’t compete save for a few odd races here and there, and I’m not really competing in those except against myself. I’m not much for group runs ...

The Unenviable Task of Explaining How The Punisher is Actually Cool

Nate McDonough


Just so you know, this isn’t gonna be a ‘WOW THE PUNISHER IS COOL, YOU REMEMBER THE TIME HE RENTED A JETSKI?!’ sort of comics piece. It’s mostly just an anti-cop polemic. ACAB. Anyways, let’s get started. ...

But what’s the moral of the story?

John Garvey


On Friday, July 10th, it rained hard all day in Brooklyn.  Come mid-afternoon, we decided we needed some stuff from the nearby supermarket.  Because it was pouring, I took our car.  As I left the house, ...

What are we supposed to do in Brooklyn?

Mike Morgan


“Do Nothing Until You Hear From Me, And You Never Will” – Duke Ellington It is patently obvious that America is screwing up royally on the COVID-19 plague.  Essentially the leadership, whether it be de Blasio, ...

Politics from a Baby Boomer

Tanzeem Ajmiri


In March of this year, a Hard Crackers correspondent took a trip to New Hampshire to visit a friend. It was her first time being in a place that was majority white and she was interested ...

What is the American Ruling Class Up To?

Hard Crackers Editors


More importantly, how might we respond?– A Hard Crackers Roundtable Series  John: Let me begin with what is probably obvious.  The last several weeks have witnessed an extraordinary explosion of protests, of just about every imaginable variety, ...

Nothing Less Than Total Repudiation

Dan Dewalt


White America is reeling from being exposed to the truth. We are like the children of a mobster who wake up to the headlines that our dear father, who brought us home candy and protected us ...