In the summer of 2016 zinesters Maud Pryor (Marmalade Umlaut) and Nate McDonough (Grixly) visited their pal Jarrod Shanahan while he was locked up at Rikers Island. Maud and Nate documented the visit from the visitor’s perspective, and Jarrod from the inmate’s. The result is Visiting Day, the story of their experiences and an illustrated […]
Archives for June 2017
The way to defend free speech is to exercise it
by Noel Ignatiev As probably everyone reading this knows, Professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor has canceled her West Coast tour following threats to her life stimulated by FOX news reports of a talk she gave at Hampshire College in which she called Donald Trump a “racist, sexist, megalomaniac.” Professor Taylor’s colleagues at Princeton University, where she teaches, […]