This Place is Poisoning Our Loved Ones

Below is a post from the “Look Out For One Another” FB group in Huntsville, Alabama. Most of the responses gave specific information about who to contact, but a few made larger points such as the responses here below JC’s original post.

JC: “I just saw a post on here about the Madison County Jail. My son is there and when I went to visit him yesterday he could barely stand because of severe stomach cramps and diarrhea for the past week. He said half the people on his floor have the same thing and it’s even on all the other floors too. This place is poisoning our loved ones and I won’t stop until something is changed. I started calling his lawyer, which is the best criminal defense lawyer in Huntsville. He was outraged and said he would investigate and take action. I asked him if I should call the Health Dept. and the news stations. He said to hold off right now. It was so sad to see my son sick. I don’t believe that it should be like staying in a hotel but I believe they should be treated like human beings, for we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

SG: “Shit won’t stop til we make moves to make it happen!”

MT: “It’d definitely unsanitary in that place!! There’s back mold and nasty everywhere!! The sick dwell amongst the well and if you’re sick you better hope and pray someone listens . . . It’s sad…”

KL:” Definitely call the Health Department, this is the 5th post I’ve seen about this. My sister was super-sick as well and some of them are refusing their medicine because they are scared. That’s crazy, they are too scared to take medicine.”

SB: “It is so past time for black people to remember how MLK handled our business! These people are getting worse in their bigotry because we will take to FB and complain instead of taking to the streets in record numbers and protesting these mistreatments!! Look at Puerto Rico, they recently protested and made a difference! Protests can make a difference, FB posts cannot! Where are our black ministers at? They want your support money every Sunday, so where is their support for you and your families during difficult times? Dr. King’s support staff was made up of a lot of ministers!!

The only time in history we received out 40 acres and a mule was when Lincoln was President and about 20 ministers wrote directives for the law! And Lincoln signed it into law (albeit, it was overturned after he was murdered), WE NEED TO MAKE SOME NOISE!”

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