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Back Issues

Hard Crackers Issue 9

Issue 9 Fall 2022

In This Issue

  1. Editors Introduction
  2. Mushahid Hussain: The Power of Everyday Collectivity
  3. Beth Henson: Bisbee 1984
  4. Tim Bruno: How to There
  5. Adelina Gina: Where is My Brother?
  6. Mike Morgan: Goinโ€™ Down South
  7. Bob Myers: The World in 60 Acres
  8. Steven Weidman: Another Evening on record Street
  9. Jenny Morgan: Cycling in Italy
  10. Paul Wasserman: Final Resting Places
  11. Patrick King: From the Grocery Isles to the Front Lines
  12. The Left Hook: The Left Hook Goes to the Movies
Hard Crackers Issue 8

Issue 8 Summer 2021

In This Issue

  1. From The Editors
  2. Kadeem Johnson: โ€œThis injustice shit ainโ€™t nothing newโ€ โ€“ Thoughts on 2020 from Inside
  3. James Stephens:  Just Another Swing-State Story
  4. Shaun: Where Dreams Go To Die
  5. Marty Brown: Portland, Pottawatomie, and โ€œThe Good Lord Birdโ€
  6. Tim Bruno: To All the Comrades I Could Have Known
  7. John Garvey & Mike Morgan: On Gentrification in Brooklyn
  8. Matt Capri: 2020
  9. Left Hook: The Sports Column Around the World in Five Days
Hard Crackers Issue - A Tribute to Noel Ignatiev

A Tribute to Noel Ignatiev

In This Issue

  1. Editors’ Introduction Noel Ignatiev, 1940-2019, Jarrod Shanahan
  2. Noel Ignatiev, a Political Genius, Beth Henson
  3. “So many of us were students of Noel”, M. Treloar
  4. My Good and Beloved Companion, My Huck Finn, Robert Gerst
  5. Learning and Teaching, Justine Johnson
  6. Moving Noel, John Strucker
  7. Remembering Mr. Noel “Over the Top” Ignatiev, John Bracey
  8. Last Phone Call, Geert Dhondt
  9. Acceptable Men: A Memoir (excerpts), Noel Ignatiev
  10. Why Argue?, Joel Olson & Noel Ignatiev
  11. Duking It Out with Noel, Cloee Cooper & Zhandarka Kurti
  12. No Condescending Saviors: A Personal Tribute, Gary Fields
  13. “This relationship might be a short one”: My First Recollections of Noel, Don Hamerquist
  14. Ambiguous Encouters, Avery D’Agostino
  15. Noel Ignatiev’s Long Fight Against Whiteness, Jay Caspian Kang
  16. “Noel may be done with us, but we are not done with him”, John Garvey
  17. The Natural, The Left Hook
Hard Crackers Issue 7

Issue 7 Fall 2019

In This Issue

  1. Editorโ€™s Note
  2. Atlantic City and the American Imaginary, Jenny Morgan
  3. How the Show Might Stop, John Garvey
  4. The Fireman, James Livingston
  5. The Lyceum Was Empty,Kelley Howell
  6. Eulogy for William Boyd, Mitch Runnels
  7. Notes of a Hanging Judge, Ron Chism
  8. But Sometimes They Do, Dexter Cruthaim
  9. The Vroom Vroom Club, The Left Hook
  10. About Hard Crackers
Hard Crackers Issue 6

Issue 6 Winter 2019

In This Issue

  1. Introduction, From the Editors
  2. Defining Hard Crackers, From the Editors
  3. Alabama Trilogy, Curtis Price
  4. On Disaster Weather Reporting, Mike Morgan
  5. Vignettes from the Gulf South, Hillary Donnell
  6. The Panther Burns, Bull Fury
  7. The Ordinary/Extraordinary May Stevens, John Garvey
  8. A Cab Ride in Doha, Jenny Morgan
  9. A Different Population These Days, Jonathan Chabrier
  10. Not Even in Spanish, Tanzeem Shaneela
  11. In Memoriam: Lowell May
    Sports Column, The Left Hook
Hard Crackers Issue 5

Issue 5 Summer 2018

In This Issue

  1. From the Editors
  2. See What Happens Now, Jarrod Shanahan
  3. Down on the Farm, Dexter Cruthaim
  4. Nothing Happened, Noel Ignatiev
  5. Heartland Reunion, Lowell May
  6. Dutchโ€™s Word, Mike Morgan
  7. A Coal Minerโ€™s Musings, Cloee Cooper
  8. Winding Stair Mountain, Richard Dixon
  9. Booking at David L. Moss, Josh Wann
  10. Captured in Crown Heights, Benjamin Rubenstein
  11. Albertiโ€™s Andalusia, Zhandarka Kurti
  12. Sports Column, The Left Hook
Hard Crackers Issue 4

Issue 4 Winter 2018

In This Issue

  1. Table of Contents
    From the Editors
  2. Itโ€™s a Shelter,Edwin Rivera
  3. A Life Worth Living, Max Mackay
  4. Outside In, Inside Out, David Ranney
  5. Summertime in Mzansi, Salim Washington
  6. Know Your Neighbors, Mike Morgan
  7. Service Interruption, Jarrod Shanahan
  8. Freestyling To Freedom, Tony Maniscalco
  9. Theater Of Law, Josh Goldfein
  10. Sports, The Left Hook
  11. American Society (Mission)
Hard Crackers Issue 3

Issue 3 Fall 2017

In This Issue

  1. Table of Contents
    Editorsโ€™ Introduction
  2., Jeanetta Calhoun Mish
  3. Poems, Claire Cahen
  4. Cooperative Exploitation, H.W.
  5. Into the Hollows, Tim Paulson
  6. Massage Therapist Escapes Shark Attack, Gwen Taylor
  7. Neighborhood Watch, Maud Pryor
  8. What a Waste of Time, Zhandarka Kurti
  9. About Hard Crackers
Hard Crackers Issue 2

Issue 2 Fall 2016

In This Issue

  1. In This Issue
    From a Small New England Town
  2. A Sunday in Chinatown
  3. Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock
  4. Eating Good Enough at Rikers Island
  5. Occupy the Free State of Jones
  6. CUNY at the Crossroads
  7. When Your Neighbor is BP
  8. Hacking
    Interview with โ€œNefariousโ€
  9. Prescription Painkillers Overdoses
  10. Kansas Enlightenment Project
  11. The Day Frank Got Out of Jail
  12. The Electrifying Mojo
  13. Nowhere to Run To
  14. About Hard Crackers
Hard Crackers Issue 1

Issue 1 Spring 2016

In This Issue

  1. Editorโ€™s Introduction
  2. Some Bullshit, Jarrod Shanahan
  3. No Pain No Gain, Kingsley Clarke
  4. Rats, Mike Morgan
  5. Eeenie Meenie Miney Mo, Gay Pasley
  6. Huntsville Notes, Curtis Price
  7. Stevie Lebron, Tony Maniscalco
  8. Influence, Noel Ignatiev
  9. Ray, Tom Bura
  10. American Society

Race Traitor Back Issues

Race Traitor calls itself a journal of the New Abolitionism. Its motto is โ€œTreason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.โ€ The journal takes its stand on two points: first, that the โ€œwhite raceโ€ is not a natural but a social category; second, that what was historically constructed can be undone. The first of these points is now widely accepted; scientists have concluded that there are no biological standards for distinguishing one โ€œraceโ€ from another, and social scientists have begun to examine how race was constructed and how it is reproduced. The โ€œsocial construction of raceโ€ has become something of a catch-phrase in the academy. However, few have taken the next step: indeed one might say that up to now the philosophers have merely interpreted the white race; the point, however, is to abolish it.

Race Traitor Issue 1
Currently Unavailable

Issue 1 Winter 1993

Highlights include “Abolish the White Race By Any Means Necessary” by the Race Traitor editors, “American Intifada” by Noel Ignatiev, and “The Example of John Brown” by Carolyn L. Karcher.

Race Traitor Issue 2

Issue 2 Summer 1993

Highlights include “Three Days that Shook the New World Order: The Los Angeles Rebellion of 1992” by The Chicago Surrealist Group, and “Gangsta’ Rap: Live on the Stage of History” by Christopher Day.

Race Traitor Issue 3

Issue 3 Spring 1994

Highlights include “Back From Hell: Black Power and Treason to Whiteness Inside Prison Walls” by Komboa Ervin, and “Panic, Rage, and Reason” by John Garvey.

Race Traitor Issue 4

Issue 4 Winter 1995

Highlights include “Manifesto of a Dead Daughter” by Patricia Eakins , and “Police Assisted Homicide” by Joel Olson.

Race Traitor Issue 5

Issue 5 Winter 1996

Highlights include “Exchange with a National Socialist” by Noel Ignatiev and Arthur Pendragon, and “Black-Jewish Conflict in the Labor Context: Race, Jobs, and Institutional Power” by Herbert Hill.

Race Traitor Issue 6

Issue 6 Summer 1996

Highlights include “Copwatch” by Selena and Katrina, and “Latinos: The Indian Escape Hatch” by William Javier Nelson.

Race Traitor Issue 7

Issue 7 Spring 1997

Highlights include Abolitionism on the Campus, and “Race and the Enlightenment: From Anti-Semitism to White Supremacy, 1492-1676” by Loren Goldner.

Race Traitor Issue 8

Issue 8 Winter 1998

Highlights include “Black and White and Dead All Over: The Lucasville Insurrection” by Staughton Lynd, and “Chiapas & Montana: Tierra Y Libertad” by James Murray.

Race Traitor Issue 9
Currently Unavailable

Issue 9 Summer 1998

Highlights include Franklin Rosemont’s “Surrealism-Revolution Against Whiteness,” “Plotting Against Eurocentrism” by Dave Roediger and “Psychiatry ‘s White Problem-Racism as Therapy” by Paul Garon.

Race Traitor Issue 10

Issue 10 Winter 1999

Highlights include “Resisting Arrest” by Ann Filemyr, and “Abolitionism and the White Studies Racket” by Noel Ignatiev.

Race Traitor Issue 11

Issue 11 Spring 2000

Highlights include “The Wiggers You Love to Hate” by David Hill, and “White Trash Identity and the Loss of Slack” by James Murray.

Race Traitor Issue 12

Issue 12 Spring 2001

Highlights include “A Fucking White Revolutionary Mass Movement and Other Fables of Whiteness” by David Barber, and “I Become a Political Traitor” by Sara Littlecrow-Russell.

Race Traitor Issue 13-14
Currently Unavailable

Issue 13-14 Summer 2001

Highlights include “Introduction-Surrealist Subversion in Chicago” by Ron Sakolsky and “Surrealism and Women’s Liberation” by Mari Jo Marchnight.

Race Traitor Issue 15

Issue 15 Fall 2001

Highlights include “The Life and Death of Timothy McVeigh” by John Garvey, and “Race Behind Bars – An Exchange” by Staughton Lynd.

Race Traitor Issue 16

Issue 16 Winter 2005

Special Palestine issue. Final Issue of Race Traitor.

Pamphlets and Readers

Since When Has Working Been a Crime

Since When Has Working Been a Crime? the deportation of workers without papers


Written in 1977, when threats of raids and deportations were high and directed mainly at Mexican immigrants.

Today the context of such threats has changed but action is just as urgent. The changing context of anti-immigration deportations and arrests is addressed in an afterword at the end of the pamphlet.

REPUBLISHED 2024 BY NEROINK โ€ข 24pp 5.5x 8.5 โ€ข 1.2 oz

10 copies: $20 ($2 each)
1 copy: $5.00
5 copies: $15.00 ($3 each)

FIFA 2022 World Cup - Reports by The Left Hook

FIFA 2022 World Cup – Reports by The Left Hook

For football (soccer) fans, Hard Crackers was on the beat for 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. A collection of articles and analyses by The Left Hook.

Reproductive Freedom: A Series

Reproductive Freedom: A Series

A collection of eleven articles on the topic of reproductive freedom that was released in 2022 shortly after the conservative Supreme Court struck down the constitutional right to abortion in the United States.

Visiting Day

Visiting Day

In the summer of 2016 Maud Pryor (Marmalade Umlaut) and Nate McDonough (Grixly) visited their pal Jarrod Shanahan at Rikers Island. They documented the visit from the visitorโ€™s perspective, and Jarrod from the inmateโ€™s. The result is Visiting Day.