Another Call for Submissions to Hard Crackers

Hard Crackers Magazine relies on written submissions and articles from our editors and our readers. These stories can take many different forms. They can be: biographical essays recalling certain work or real life experiences; recollections or revelations regarding historic or current events; interviews with or articles about interesting characters whose voices and opinions often go unheard; reviews of books, films, television shows, art, plays and music; sports reports; tales about different geographical places and the people in those places; efforts to analyze and understand events and trends, either ones that hog the headlines, or ones that don’t but should be worthy of attention.  We see the stories of everyday life as a powerful method for understanding the predicaments we are in and imagining how we might work our way out of them.  We especially welcome articles that attempt to uncover some of the not so evident commonalities in individuals’ experiences across the United States and the world. Such real-life vignettes and episodes are our bread and butter at Hard Crackers.

The current fallout of the Israeli and US campaign to wipe out all Palestinian peoples and institutions has a significant new feature…folks around the world are not buying the usual bushwah that had conveniently worked so well in the past for the occupiers and apologists. Israel is being seen for what it is, a violent and bloodthirsty racist settler regime. The US is seen for what it is, a duplicitous enabler and string-puller. Masses of young American Jews are closing the door on Zionism, seeing it too for what it is, namely a fairytale.  Once that door is shut, it is rarely reopened. Millions of people internationally are calling for important changes, changes that might favor some form of Palestinian liberation. This is important stuff. If you have a story to tell here, if you have been a participant in student encampments or protests, if you have been at the wrong end of a police nightstick, if you have been part of an effort to disrupt the Israeli/US war machine, if you have dogged politicians that seem fine with genocide, please consider sharing what you have written or might write about your experiences with us at Hard Crackers.

Because we publish more on our website, length is not that critically important, although we ask all potential contributors to employ reasonable non-punishing standards. The editors yea or nay say is final. Should we accept a submission, we will initiate contact with the writer to hammer out any necessary editorial issues or suggestions. We have been at this for over eight years and have developed enough experience to facilitate this process. All submissions should be sent to If you are in touch with an individual editor, you can use that personal contact as an avenue for submission.

–From the Hard Crackers Editorial Collective



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